Definitely NOT lovin’ it! World’s most impatient customer flips out at drive-thru staff at Maryland McDonald’s

A disgruntled man went berserk, made a complete mess and shocked drive-thru staff in a viral video taken from a McDonald’s in Maryland.

The man, who has not been identified, stood outside his car and reached into the drive-thru window at the Golden Arches in White Marsh, about 15 miles south of Baltimore.

In the now-viral clip, the man begins tossing various McDonald’s items that will be handed out to customers.

‘You do this! Do this, b****!’ You can hear him shouting as he throws packets of fries.

He then goes for a drink, with none of the staff confronting him and someone seemingly trying to walk away from the situation.

A disgruntled man went berserk, made a complete mess and shocked drive-thru staff in a viral video taken from a McDonald’s in Maryland

He then throws a large soft drink so far that the people in the restaurant are shocked. It is unclear whether anyone was injured.

You then hear the man shout, “Stop it right now!” as he tries to take some of the soda fountain.

“Give me some food!” he shouts, apparently pointing at one of the McDonald’s employees.

Suddenly he rips a cash register – complete with computer screen – off its hinges while proclaiming: ‘I own all this s***.’

“Give me some damn food,” he repeats, before threatening to confront one of the workers.

He then shakes the parts of the cash register that he tore apart and again demands “real bloody food.”

When one of the employees tries to reassure him that food is coming, he tells them to give him some fries.

He then calls the person he’s addressing as ‘b****’ before telling her to give him the fries again.

The man, who has not yet been identified, stood outside his car and reached through the drive-thru window

In the now-viral clip, the man begins tossing various McDonald’s items that will be handed out to customers

He then goes for a drink, with none of the staff confronting him and someone seemingly trying to walk away from the situation

The Golden Arches where the man had the eruption was located in White Marsh, about 16 miles south of Baltimore

The worker approaches the man with a McDonald’s bag, believed to include the food he requested.

The man repeats his insult before demanding another bag of food.

“Stupid f*** w****,” he proclaims, continuing to insult the workers even after they have given him the food.

After a final vulgar outburst, the man slams the drive-in window and walks away.

It is unclear if this man was arrested or taken into custody to receive mental health care.

The post on TikTok has been viewed tens of thousands of times and received hundreds of comments.

“Please tell me he’s been arrested,” says one commenter.

Another apparently understood his anger: “Those Mickey D fries are BUSSIN’!!!”

Another was confused by “the fact that they STILL gave him the food afterward.”

Bad behavior aside, he’s not the only person to get frustrated at a McDonald’s recently.

Price increases have weighed on customers, including a Connecticut location that offered a Big Mac combo for up to $18.

McDonald’s officials recently said it is putting the brakes on higher prices and focusing more on value meals after a drop in visits from some customers.

McDonald’s was accused of ‘greedflation’: the practice of cashing in on headlines about inflation by raising prices more than necessary.

In the first three months of 2023, McDonald’s saw its profits skyrocket to $3.314 billion, an increase of 8.64 percent from the same period last year. About 8.4 percent of the growth was attributed to higher menu prices.

According to the The Economist’s Big Mac IndexSince 1996, the price of McDonald’s food has increased by 125 percent.

And in the last two years alone, it’s up 6 percent.

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