Deepak Chopra’s AI voice aims to ease your listening pleasure

ElevenLabs has added a Deepak Chopra to the line of celebrity voice clones available on the Reader app. Chopra’s AI-generated voice can now read any digital text to you with his full approval. Chopra joins the likes of Judy Garland, James Dean, Burt Reynolds and Sir Laurence Olivier as a celebrity voice, although he is the first living person to have signed up to have his synthetic avatar read digital texts.

Chopra has been a leader in promoting meditation and mindfulness for decades and is also taking the lead in deploying a voice clone of himself. A few months ago, ElevenLabs and Chopra produced a virtual Chopra chatbot called Digital Deepak. Trained on Chopra’s collected speeches, books, interviews and other commentaries, Digital Deepak serves as a limited but still informed source for Chopra’s thinking. You can ask Digital Deepak questions about himself and his work and get personalized answers from his AI voice clone.