DEAR JANE: I shed 45LBS by secretly using Ozempic – but I’m too ashamed to tell my judgmental friends and family how I REALLY lost the weight

  • In her latest column about Aunt Pain, bestselling author Jane Green gives advice to a woman terrified of being judged for her use of Ozempic
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Dear Jane,

I have struggled with my weight since childhood.

Despite trying every diet (keto, juice cleanse, low carb, no carbs… you name it), my weight continues to fluctuate in quite extreme ways. Last year I reached a breaking point in this cycle when I tried to put on a pair of jeans that simply wouldn't go on and ended up bursting into tears in front of the mirror.

I never really told anyone what I was going through because I hate pushing my problems onto other people and I'd always rather be the problem solver than the one who constantly whines about their lives.

So I finally sought help from a doctor, who prescribed Ozempic. This was a while before the drug became popular and became the go-to weight loss treatment for everyone in Hollywood and beyond, and honestly, I was ashamed to tell anyone that I had resorted to drugs to get thinner.

Dear Jane, I was prescribed Ozempic to lose weight and ended up losing 25kg – but I'm too ashamed to tell my friends and family how I did it

So instead, when people asked, I just told them I'd been eating healthy, exercising, and the “normal” stuff.

Months later I have now lost 25kg, I feel great, I look great – not to brag – and I have reduced my Ozempic use so it is only a minimal dose to help me maintain my weight .

But I still haven't been able to tell anyone the secret behind my weight loss. And the more popular Ozempic becomes, the more and more my friends talk about it and exchange opinions about it, and judge the people who use it, completely unaware that I am one of them.

International bestselling author Jane Green offers sage advice on readers' most burning issues in her column Dear Jane agony aunt

They keep complimenting me on my new body and begging to know how I did it, and I feel like such a fraud pretending it's just the result of workouts and diets, especially when I know how useless those techniques really are were for me.

So… should I give in and open myself up to ridicule and judgment, or continue lying to everyone?


Slimming secrets

Best slimming secrets,

Congratulations on your weight loss. As someone who has struggled with weight and body image her entire life, I know how exhausting and debilitating it can be.

That you've been taking Ozempic is no one's business but yours, although as more and more celebrities confess that their own weight loss is due to one of these new drugs (Oprah Winfrey is the one that immediately comes to mind), fewer and fewer will be shame. attached.

If you don't feel comfortable telling people, that's your choice, although I don't believe anyone will mock or judge you as you fear.

What's probably holding you back is your own shame, something you may want to explore with a therapist.

But honestly, if someone around you mocks or shames you for your personal choices, they were never your friends and you're better off without them.

Ozempic reduces your appetite and dampens the 'noise' around food, so you eat much less. Honestly, that's always been the key, so it's not a lie to tell people you're eating less. How and why you decided to do that now is really no one's business but yours.

Even though we live in a time where we all believe we have to confess everything to everyone, we don't!

I wish you the best of luck enjoying your new look and energy!

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