Dealing with Possums- a few facts, habits and removal

Residences in Australia frequently have stray visitors, pests and possums, the latter being unique to this region. These beady eyed mousy looking marsupials are pesky creatures that seek to nest in rooftops and ceiling gaps. Once they built their nesting hideout they move around property looking for food. They may linger round furniture, electric and cable lines causing damage that might also spark fires in some occasions. They feature among the common pest problem request in Pest Control on Sydney service expert’s list and usually best left to be handled by them.

These nocturnal creatures often make grunting, screeching, hissing and howling noise keeping you and your pets awake wondering where it’s coming from. They are also carriers of ticks and fleas which might get transferred to your pets.  Possums also carry a lot of germs and bacteria on their bodies that may spread infections on exposed daily use articles. Their urine and feces too are contaminants that cause health risks if accidently done near a food or water source. Removing them is a skill which professionals Possum Removal in Sydney services can do and with efficiency and confidence. 

Facts about Possum types

There are two types of Possums infesting homes. They are-

Ringtail Possum: This grey colored species are 3-035 cm in length and  have patches under their eyes and have cream shaded stomach with a white tipped prehensile tail which they use it for grasping to aid them in their mobility. These possums have sharp molars with pointed cusps, which they bare when in attacking mode

Brushtail Possum: This species has a furry tail and lives on trees and on the ground as well. It feeds on eucalyptus leaves and sometimes small animals like rats. Among possums it is the second largest species and may sport many colors like brown, black, silver grey and gold color. They have a handy tail that acts as grasping tool allowing them to swing from tree to tree. 

Whenever you smell a possum infestation at home it’s a good idea to reach out to professional Pest Control in Sydney service experts who can remove them with zero stress to you.

Removing Possums

Possums can be a bit of nuisance but since they are under the protected species list, poisoning them is illegal. But sometimes they die by consuming food baits or by being trapped in a machine or roof. So the decayed body gets stuck behind a wall and it becomes tough to locate them. The place of origin becomes clearer as stench emanates that could go up to one or two months which also attracts flies. So calling in Possum Removal in Sydney service experts would be the only practical option to restore back a healthy environment with no damage to your residence. These experts also sanitize the area to rid of all germs and other contaminants. 

What possums can do while infesting your property?

Studies reveal that possum droppings contain bacteria that may cause flesh eating ulcers. When you have possum invading your home, utmost care should be taken. They are slightly larger than your average rats and are peculiar when they encounter you. They either play dead by dropping to the floor and lying or they might bare their molars standing upright in an aggressive mode leaving the homeowner confused. Possums love insects, nectar, fruits, flowers and vegetables and can make a mess out of your garden. They prefer to make nests out of the way and prefer roofs. When they are in attacking mode they might also attack others of their species as a mark of territory. 

Possums can be responsible for quite a number of diseases transmissions. These might need medical intervention if they turn serious as they have the potential to. Some of the diseases they spread are tuberculosis, leptospirosis, coccidiosis, etc. Just like mice and rats they too can bite off electrical wiring and damage roof protection and also spoil water and food sources with their urine and feces. 

Though possums live in outdoors, owing to increased urbanization they have started seeking homes in residences and buildings with natural areas being minimized in the course of development. Australia has 27 species of possums. . Also when food scarcity is there they start looking for food in human habitations for survival and shelter. Possums are scavengers and feed on everything dirty and inside smell garbage cans and vats and also prefer areas where water supply is around. So if you have outdoor water source or pool chances are possums might come in. 

Some Clauses in Possum removal

Being a protected species under the Australian Government, possum control has certain protocol that needs to be followed. They need to be removed from your property and released either around the property or within 50 meters. Since they often take shelter in the roof, blocking entry points there is required. 

Possum control and removal is best done by experienced seasoned well trained service people who know all about their habits, movements and do so in a humane eco friendly way ensuring that your premise are free of them and the possum goes out alive. 

What to look for in a pest control company for a possum removal service?

A few things needs to be checked by you when you discover a possum infestation and you are about to hire professional help. When selecting the professionals, find out-

  • Do they offer the same day possum removal service also?
  • Do they have experience in possum removal service of over two decades?
  • Do they possess necessary accreditation and license from legal government bodies to undertake removal service?
  • Do they utilize the latest non damaging possum control technology?
  • Do they have separate sections for inspection, assessment and treatment plans for possums?
  • Do they provide guarantee for their services?
  • Do they provide legal and natural treatments to ensure safety for you and your family and the environment?
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