Deadly funnel-web spider plague to sweep Australia: Here’s what to do if you encounter one – and why you should leave all clothes off the floor

Australians are being warned to remain on high alert as funnel web spider season approaches – with the deadly creatures expected to sweep across the country like a ‘plague’.

Billy Collett, operations manager of the Australian Reptile Park told FEMAIL: ‘Funnel webs thrive in cool, moist areas and will seek shelter from the hot, dry weather that is coming.

“The weather changing so rapidly following the ‘El Nino’ ​​event is likely to lead to an increase in funnel web sightings in the Greater Sydney region.”

Funnel web spiders in particular are a deadly species that can cause death just hours after envenomation – but no fatalities have been reported since the antivenom was developed in 1981.

Expert also revealed top tips on how to keep your home spider-free, including ensuring your garden and home are free of debris, keeping your shoes indoors and being vigilant of damp spots in your living space.

How to Avoid Funnel Web Spiders

* Keep your garden free of debris – the spiders like to make homes under scrap metal and leaf litter

* Do not leave towels or clothing on the floor at home, as spiders prefer cool, damp areas

* Store your shoes indoors and check laundry and other outdoor items carefully before bringing them into the house

Source: Australian Reptile Park

Funnel web spiders are found throughout Australia, especially in the humid forest areas of Australia’s east coast and highlands, from Tasmania to North Queensland.

The Australian Museum also revealed that they are present in the drier open forests of the western slopes of the Great Dividing Range and Gulf areas of South Australia.

Liz Gabriel, director and owner of the Australian Reptile Park, noted that people should keep their gardens clean and dry wherever possible.

“Funnel webs like to hide under scrap metal and leaf litter,” she said.

She added: ‘When found in homes, funnel web spiders prefer cool, damp places such as the laundry, the garage or in shoes left on the floor.

‘It’s best to make sure you don’t leave laundry and clothes on the floor. If you leave your shoes outside, make sure you check them first before blindly sticking your foot in them, as shoes can be the perfect little lair for funnel web spiders.

“Pool filters should also be checked and cleaned regularly,” Ms Gabriel concluded.

Liz Gabriel, director and owner of the Australian Reptile Park, noted that people should double check their shoes before putting them on or bringing them indoors

Liz Gabriel, director and owner of the Australian Reptile Park, noted that people should double check their shoes before putting them on or bringing them indoors

She recommended going to the hospital immediately if you think you’ve been bitten by a funnel web, but there are a few things you can do in the meantime.

“Use a pressure immobilization bandage to go around the bite site a few times – going down the limb and going back up the limb, as far as the bandage will take you,” the professional advised.

‘Also immobilize the limb in a shirt or with a splint or sling and try to keep it nice and still.

‘Then go to the hospital as quickly as possible and tell them that you have been bitten by a funnel web spider.’