DAVID MARCUS: Three Americans dead – but Biden has almost nothing to say… and draws Bugs Bunny cartoon lines in the Iranian sand instead. He truly is a caricature of courage

Under the roaring sword of Marine One, President Biden finally faced reporters more than 48 hours after three American soldiers were killed and dozens of others injured in an Iran-backed drone strike.

Busy Candidate Joe was heading to donor events in Palm Beach, Florida, after being out of sight all Monday.

And today, President Joe didn’t have much to say for himself.

When asked if he has already decided how the United States of America will respond to the assassination of its own country, the president replied: “Yes.”

His words were barely audible over the drone of the engines.

Asked whether America’s response will deter future Iranian proxy attacks on American soldiers, Joe replied: “We’ll see.”

Then he staggered to his plane.

Maybe it was all by design. The White House doesn’t put the president next to a loud helicopter when they want him to answer questions.

Nevertheless, this is the level of seriousness we have come to expect from a government that loses sight of its defense minister.

‘I don’t think we need a wider war in the Middle East. That’s not what I’m looking for,” the president chirped.

Unfortunately, it appears the war is spreading whether Biden wants it to or not.

Under the roaring sword of Marine One, President Biden finally faced reporters more than 48 hours after three American soldiers were killed and dozens of others injured in an Iran-backed drone strike.

After the October 7 terror attacks in Israel, the president and his national defense team repeated an apparent warning to Iran’s mullahs, like B-movie action heroes.

If the rogue regime was considering taking advantage of the chaos of the Israel-Gaza war to further its regional dominance, Biden had one word for them: “Don’t.”

Well, Mr. President, they did.

Again and again.

Since mid-October, Iranian-trained and funded militias in multiple countries have attacked U.S. assets in the region at least 160 times.

The White House has done little in response — making the president look like Bugs Bunny and draw lines in the sand for Yosemite Sam.

Shades of Obama?

“We have been very clear against the Assad regime,” President Obama warned in August 2012, as Syrian dictator Assad slaughtered his people who had risen up to oppose him, “which is a red line for us that we’re going to see a whole range of chemicals. weapons moving around or being used. That would change my calculus.”

A year later, when gruesome videos emerged showing Syrian civilians frothing, gasping for breath and writhing on hospital room floors—the telltale signs of sarin gas poisoning—President Obama did nothing.

Of course America does not want war in the Middle East. But neither the US nor Europe wanted war with Germany more than eighty years ago. How many times must this lesson be learned and forgotten?

The best Biden can muster is “we’ll see?” Is this deterrence? Or reverence?

His cabinet and staff have used the same bloodless rhetoric.

Indeed, Sergeant William Rivers (center), Specialist Breona Moffett (right) and Specialist Kennedy Sanders (left) were sacrificed to a naive fantasy in which Iran wants peace and the United States and Israel are the real aggressors.

The US response “could be multi-level, phased and sustained over time,” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken muttered.

“We are not seeking military conflict with the regime,” White House national security spokesman John Kirby said.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who returned to work after an extended medical leave in time for a photo op at the White House, had pitifully little to add.

Biden and the Democrats always portray themselves as enlightened problem solvers. If only they are given power, they tell us, they will resolve the world’s most intractable conflicts through dialogue, negotiation and humility.

Somehow, that strategy always ends in hundreds of millions of dollars in cash payments, sanctions relief, or some other form of wealth transfer.

The checks are always cash. But the genius plan never works.

Not once.

When President Donald Trump took out Iranian terrorist general Qasem Soleimani, we were told that our president was a madman dead set on World War III. That didn’t happen.

But under the watchful eye of peacemaker Joe Biden, war is appearing on every horizon.

This is the same government whose national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, said a week before the September 7 massacre of Hamas that “the Middle East is quieter today than it has been in 20 years.”

More delusions.

Things will only get worse as America rushes headlong into a presidential campaign.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who calls herself a “very historical person,” claimed on national television that our three fallen American soldiers died in the service of the Biden administration.

Not the flag or the nation.

Serves Joe Biden.

The saddest part is that it’s true.

Sergeant William Rivers, Specialist Breona Moffett and Specialist Kennedy Sanders were indeed sacrificed to a naive fantasy in which Iran wants peace and the United States and Israel are the real aggressors.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who calls herself a “very historical person,” claimed on national television that our three fallen American soldiers died in the service of the Biden administration.

The wages of Joe Biden’s spineless appeasement are now being paid in American blood.

Nothing will change the minds of Iran’s fundamentalist dictators. They will always want Americans dead.

So now we have a staggering foreign policy crisis, and the president looks more like a candidate on the campaign trail than a commander in the Situation Room.

Perhaps he will tell his wealthy campaign supporters how the nation will respond to an attack. For everyone else – including those watching from their lavish apartments in Tehran and Qatar – the message is clear: Joe wants to wish this all away.

He is careful not to upset pro-Hamas campus radicals and street demonstrators with bellicose talk of retaliation, national defense or pride. The socialists, the anti-capitalists and the anti-imperialists don’t like that talk.

But the rest of us demand justice. We demand a president with courage.

Instead, we have a decrepit, grasping old cynic who does little more than shun happy donors and reporters.

Joe Biden’s weakness has been a punchline throughout his presidency.

Now it’s deadly serious.

Now it’s killing Americans.

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