DAVID MARCUS: The post-Title 42 border crisis will seal the election – and Biden’s shameful legacy

As migrants pour into the United States from Mexico in the wake of the end of Title 42, not only are our border towns and major cities inundated, but so are President Joe Biden’s legacy and reelection prospects.

How ironic, really, that it took a Trump-era policy, one of the last, to maintain some semblance of order.

For just 24 hours without the strict deportation of migrants order has shown all too clearly how a hapless Biden can do nothing but look at the disaster he has wrought.

If there is a rematch of the 2020 presidential race, now is the moment that could define it, an event that will not only touch the lives of most Americans, but could change the very nature of our country forever.

We are now a little over a day into the post-Title 42 world and 22,000 souls have already gathered on the border across from Brownsville, Texas alone.

Busloads of migrants are already being shipped across the country to ease the burden of our southern states and overworked border agents.

And already the number of people caught crossing illegally this week has risen to as many as 10,000 a day.

This is an absolute tidal wave – and Americans are only now beginning to see how bad this will be; a coming tsunami of suffering born of Biden’s dangerous negligence.

As migrants pour into the United States from Mexico in the wake of the end of Title 42, not only are our border towns and major cities inundated, but so are President Joe Biden’s legacy and reelection prospects.

The number of people caught crossing illegally this week has already exceeded 10,000 a day. (Pictured: Migrants in Matamoros, Mexico).

If there is a rematch of the 2020 presidential race, now is the moment that could define it, an event that will not only touch the lives of most Americans, but could change the very nature of our country forever. (Image: President Joe Biden).

The sights, sounds and even smells of the border are horrifying as helpless families are left in squalid conditions.

On the streets of El Paso, Texas, babies cry out under tarpaulins tied to garbage cans.

And it’s coming to a city near you!

In a stark reminder of the pandemic’s pop-up emergency hospitals, New York is discussing plans to create a tent city on Central Park to house migrants.

And, like the Hoovervilles of the Great Depression, every city from sea to shining sea should soon expect their own Bidenville.

In Portland, Maine — about as far from the southern border as the Biden administration is — a basketball arena is home to hundreds of asylum seekers.

Denver officials expect to burn $20 million dollars in just six months dealing with the crisis.

The vile Mexican cartels, all too happy to traffic in drugs or human lives, had circled May 12 as a holiday on the calendar anyway—no complex smuggling operations needed without that pesky Title 42 getting in the way.

As the policy expired Thursday night, Senator Ted Cruz summed it up when he told President Biden, “The people who get killed crossing illegally, that’s your fault. The women who have been sexually assaulted cross illegally, that’s your fault. Making the children who are abused cross illegally, that’s your fault. The people who die of drug overdoses – over 100,000 last year – that’s your fault.’

But what does our president have to say about this?

This is an absolute tidal wave – and Americans are only now beginning to see how bad this will be; a coming tsunami of suffering born of Biden’s dangerous negligence. (Pictured: Migrants line up to be processed in El Paso, Texas).

On the streets of El Paso, Texas, babies cry out under tarpaulins tied to garbage cans. (Pictured: migrants awaiting processing).

He says it’s going to be “chaotic for a while.”

Chaotic? Chaotic leaves the parking lot after a Taylor Swift concert. This is a deadly humanitarian disaster that you, Mr. President, and your gang of open-border buffoons have created.

Unwilling or unable to talk intelligently about the border crisis, our Commander-in-Chief sends Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, arguably the government’s least able cabinet member, which is already a hotly contested title.

A tone-deaf Mayorkas told CBS Friday morning that while the situation is “difficult…we will continue to execute our plan…we will succeed.”

Sure, friend.

Is it any wonder that savvy Republican governors like Gregg Abbot in Texas and Ron DeSantis in Florida have been transporting migrants to sapphire blue locations like New York City, Washington DC and Martha’s Vineyard?

The only way these out-of-touch Democrats will begin to understand is if they feel this crisis on their own doorstep.

Of course, rather than work toward finding a solution, the Biden administration prefers to blame Congress for inaction.

The only problem with that is that this week, Republican Chairman Kevin McCarthy pushed through the Secure the Border Act—a sweeping security bill that addresses most of today’s problems.

Biden, of course, has vowed to veto it.

There are many issues that will be vying for prominence in the 2024 election: abortion, inflation, crime, and – should he be the nominee – Donald Trump’s sordid string of scandals.

But make no mistake, no problem will be felt more deeply by Americans than this flood of humanity.

Unwilling or unable to talk intelligently about the border crisis, our commander-in-chief sends Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas (pictured, right), perhaps the government’s least competent cabinet member.

The only way these out-of-touch Democrats will begin to understand is if they feel this crisis on their own doorstep. (Pictured: Children looking through southern border wall).

No problem will affect Americans in the 2024 election as deeply as this flood of humanity. (Pictured: Migrants cross the Rio Grande from Mexico).

After all, we will see the Bidenvilles rise across America, we will feel our local services shrink under the budgetary realities of mass migration, we will see overcrowded hospitals and schools fail under the weight of this population explosion.

And the sad reality is that this disaster has been three years in the making. Everyone has long said that Biden and his immigration czar Kamala Harris are weak on the border issue. Now we are witnessing the true extent of their ineptitude.

That such chaos was not present under Trump will not go unnoticed by voters.

Between now and the presidential election, every illegal immigrant who kills an American, every teenager who overdoses on fentanyl across the open border, every senior citizen who gets less hot meals due to budget cuts, and every child in a cramped classroom will have a reason to make sure Biden not spend another minute in the White House.

And it’s more than that: every history book from now until our nation is no longer known will truthfully portray him as the president who surrendered the American frontier.

It will be a legacy of deep and profound shame.

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