DAVID MARCUS: After THAT indictment, read the stunning $10 million Biden/Ukraine bribery claims

With news of the indictment flying through the media like crack rock at a Hunter Biden slumber party, one would be excused for not following the biggest news out of the nation’s capital this week.

After all, for the first time in history, a former president and current White House hopeful has been charged with federal crimes.

Sure, it’s a big problem. But there’s another story to watch — one that the Democrats are working overtime to sweep under the rug.

On Thursday, the FBI reluctantly submitted a document to Congress that, Republicans say, reveals the testimony of a “trusted” and “highly credible” informant alleging that President Joe Biden is involved in a “criminal bribery scheme” involving the Ukrainian gas is involved. Burisma company.

You remember Burisma.

It’s the company that handed Joe’s abandoned son Hunter giant sacks of money to sit on their board, even though he had no industry experience whatsoever and had no discernible worth as an employee other than his last name.

Hmmm…why would they do that?

Thanks to the Republicans, we have a possible answer.

Two congresswomen, who have seen this closely guarded FBI form, say it reveals allegations that Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, owner of Burisma, paid Hunter and another unidentified member of the Biden family $5 million each for helping to quash a corruption investigation of his company.

On Thursday, the FBI reluctantly submitted a document to Congress that, Republicans say, reveals the testimony of a “trusted” and “highly credible” informant alleging that President Joe Biden is involved in a “criminal bribery scheme” involving the Ukrainian gas is involved. Burisma company.

With news of the indictment flying through the media like crack rock at a Hunter Biden slumber party, one would be excused for not following the biggest news out of the nation's capital this week.

With news of the indictment flying through the media like crack rock at a Hunter Biden slumber party, one would be excused for not following the biggest news out of the nation’s capital this week.

Now I know what you’re thinking. It’s a bit far-fetched. There’s no way the Bidens could be so blatantly underhanded.

It’s almost as if someone told you that Hunter was the recipient of golden showers from prostitutes in a Moscow hotel.

Frankly, I’d be inclined to agree with you, if these allegations were out of left field and completely unrelated to the facts.

But the reality is that this story fits like a laser-cut piece into the jigsaw puzzle of alleged corruption in the Biden family.

Let’s start from the beginning of the Ukraine saga.

In 2012, Ukrainian Attorney General Viktor Shokin launched an investigation into Burisma, a holding company for several energy exploration and production companies operating in the former Soviet satellite nation and around the world.

Shokin was reportedly investigating how the Kyiv-based company obtained permits to access natural resources in the notoriously corrupt country.

Two years later, the company brought Hunter Biden on board — despite his conventional uselessness — at the incredible rate of $83,000 a month.

By 2016, a time when Hunter admittedly “smoked crack every 15 minutes,” Shokin had been fired.

And it’s no mystery why that happened.

Vice President Joe Biden had been tapped by President Obama to be the government’s chief envoy to Ukraine following Russia’s 2014 invasion of Crimea. And during one of many visits to the province, he instructed Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to get rid of Shokin or risk losing $1 billion in loan guarantees.

Biden claims his billion-dollar threat was designed to clean up corruption in Ukraine, and that it’s a happy little coincidence that it also benefited a company that paid his son for an insanely lucrative no-show job .

Two congresswomen, who have seen this closely guarded FBI form, say it reveals allegations that Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky (above), who owns Burisma, Hunter and another unidentified member of the Biden family each had $ 5 million for their help in destroying a corruption probe of his company.

Two congresswomen, who have seen this closely guarded FBI form, say it reveals allegations that Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky (above), who owns Burisma, Hunter and another unidentified member of the Biden family each had $ 5 million for their help in destroying a corruption probe of his company.

In 2012, Ukrainian Attorney General Viktor Shokin (above) launched an investigation into Burisma, a holding company for several energy exploration and production companies operating in the former Soviet satellite nation and around the world.

In 2012, Ukrainian Attorney General Viktor Shokin (above) launched an investigation into Burisma, a holding company for several energy exploration and production companies operating in the former Soviet satellite nation and around the world.

Joe even bragged about his strong-arm tactics.

“I looked at it and said, I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor doesn’t get fired, you don’t get the money,” Biden said at a Council on Foreign Relations event in January 2018. ‘Well, asshole. He has been fired.’

It’s unclear exactly what happened to Shokin’s investigation. Ukrainians have alternatively said it ended in 2014 and was still “up in the air” until 2019.

Oh, and two months after Joe left office to make way for the Trump administration, Hunter’s compensation from Burisma was reportedly cut in half. That’s not suspicious or anything.

Imagine a world where Donald Trump Jr. had a million-dollar fantasy job for a foreign company while his father was in office.

They would probably both be in Guantanamo Bay.

After all, Trump was impeached (for the second time) by the House for allegedly threatening to withhold funds from Ukraine unless the administration looked into what is now an outright scandal.

It’s a shocking double standard. These are not even two lines. It’s one set of rules for those called Trump and no rules at all for those called Biden.

There is more smoke swirling around the Biden family than there was around New York City this week.

And what did the current commander-in-chief himself have to say?

It’s Malarkey.

“Where’s the money,” a smug Biden told reporters when pushed about these details on Thursday.

He sounded like a mob boss who was convinced he had hidden the body well.

Republican Representative Nancy Mace would also like to know where the money is.

“Prove us wrong by releasing your and your family’s unredacted bank details,” she replied. “The FBI can’t protect you forever.”

Vice President Joe Biden had been tapped by President Obama to be the administration's chief envoy to Ukraine after Russia's 2014 invasion of Crimea.

Vice President Joe Biden had been tapped by President Obama to be the administration’s chief envoy to Ukraine after Russia’s 2014 invasion of Crimea.

That’s exactly right. Biden could clear this up today, but he won’t. It’s a bit strange.

Biden’s allies, of course, dismiss this damning revelation as if it were nothing. But even their denials are suspect.

Jamie Raskin, a member of the Democrat House Oversight Committee, claims that the FBI and DOJ have already closed the book on this dossier.

According to him, Trump’s DOJ under Attorney General Bill Barr “determined that there were no grounds for escalating their investigation” [and] it was therefore closed.’ But within hours, former Barr pants were screaming on fire.

‘Mr. Raskin seems confused,” Barr replied, politely putting the Democrat in his place and explaining that the case was very open and had been sent to the US Attorney in Delaware.

Why does Raskin feel so free to blatantly deceive the American people?

It’s because he knows that compliant mainstream media will eat up his statements and regurgitate them like a busy nest of chirping chicks.

At some point, journalists’ astonishing lack of curiosity about evidence that a sitting vice president’s family took bribes no longer looks like lazy incompetence and begins to look like participation in a cover-up.

It’s an absolute disgrace. It must end.

With Republicans in charge of the House and Speaker Kevin McCarthy green-lighting the Bidens like a Netflix executive on speed, there will come a time when even liberal lapdogs in the press can’t ignore the growing evidence of corruption.

Dare I say the walls are closing in on Joe and his corrupt crime family?

And that’s not malarkey.