Dave Sharma: Former MP booted out from a Liberal stronghold at the last election wins shock pre-selection to the Senate

Former federal minister Dave Sharma will return to Parliament after securing Marise Payne’s Senate seat in NSW.

In a vote among Liberal Party members on Sunday, Sharma defeated Andrew Constance in the final vote.

Mr Constance, the former state treasurer and member for Bega, was the heavy favorite after being backed by Opposition Leader Peter Dutton.

But party moderates backed Sharma, the former federal member for Wentworth, who lost his seat to independent Allegra Spender at the 2022 election.

Deputy Opposition Leader Sussan Ley said Sharma was a “suitable replacement” for Ms Payne.

Former federal minister Dave Sharma (pictured with wife Rachel Lord) returns to Parliament after securing Marise Payne’s NSW Senate seat

“Dave Sharma will bring a unique perspective to the Australian Senate,” she said in a statement.

“Dave’s keen foreign policy intellect will be particularly welcome as we find ourselves in the most dangerous geopolitical circumstances since World War II.

“Over the past two decades, Dave has served in the Oval Office with American presidents, helped broker international peace agreements and gained on-the-ground experience in Israel as a former ambassador.”

Sunday’s vote also passed over former ACT senator Zed Seselja, a staunch conservative who comes from the right-wing faction.

Seselja lost his Senate seat to independent David Pocock at the last election, leaving the ACT without Liberal representation for the first time since the area gained two senators in 1975.

Monica Tudehope was also touted as a strong candidate and received the support of Business Council CEO Bran Black.

Ms Ley said Mr Sharma would be a great addition to the Liberal team as it would work to regain federal seats lost to independents.

“Dave is someone who really appeals to the group of voters we need to win in 2025,” she said.

Marise Payne is pictured in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on November 8, 2021, when she was Foreign Minister of Australia

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