Daughter says her own mother should go to jail after her TWO toddlers died in her care within a year

A devastated daughter has demanded that her mother go to prison after her two young children died in their grandmother’s care within a year.

Kaila Schock tearfully called for Tracey Nix, 65, to be jailed for the deaths of 16-month-old Ezra and seven-month-old Uriel.

Ezra drowned on the Nix property while Grandma was sleeping in December 2021.

Uriel died less than a year later, in November 2022, after being left in a hot car while his grandmother practiced the piano inside.

‘If I’m objective, she needs to go to prison. As her daughter, she kills me to say it. As her mother, I demand it,’ she said. WSVN in an emotional interview.

Nix has been charged with manslaughter and faces up to 30 years in prison for Uriel’s death.

Police had previously tried to charge her in Ezra’s death, but the State’s Attorney’s Office turned them down.

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Kaila Schock (left, with husband Drew) tearfully pleaded for her own mother to go to prison for the deaths of her sons Ezra, 16 months, and Uriel, 7 months, in December 2021 and November 2022, respectfully.

Tracey Nix, 65, had two grandchildren die on her watch. Seen here on his mug shot

Ezra died in December 2021 on the Nix property after stepping into a pond and drowning while his grandmother slept just three days before Christmas.

While her husband, Nun Ney Nix, was running errands, Nix fell asleep, and little Ezra managed to open the gate, climb under the fence, and head toward the pond.

Nun Ney called Kaila’s husband, Drew Schock, after returning home and told him, “Something happened to Ezra.”

Kaila, who had an older son named Asher and was six months pregnant with Uriel at the time, rushed to her parents’ house, drove 85 mph, and crashed head-on in her path as she watched a helicopter headed her way. .

“I was able to see the helicopter landing,” he recalled to WSVN. I didn’t look when there was a stop sign.

“All my airbags went off, I don’t remember how I got out, but I got out and started running to my parents’ house and right now, I don’t have any shoes.” i’m just running

“That was my desperation to get to my son.”

When he got to the house, Ezra was dead.

Kaila was advised to step down from being on the front lines of the investigation in order to protect the pregnancy of her future daughter.

Nix, of Florida, has been charged with manslaughter and faces up to 30 years in prison for Uriel’s death.

“Information was withheld from me, at my request, on my doctor’s advice, that any information that upset me or emotionally distressed me would be detrimental to my unborn child,” she told WSVN.

Police had attempted to press charges against Nix at the time, but the Florida District Attorney’s Office “stated that a single lapse of trial would not establish culpable caretaker negligence.”

Kalia and Drew had no idea of ​​the intent to charge until after their daughter’s death.

The couple said they didn’t allow their firstborn son, Asher, alone with Nix after Ezra’s death because they didn’t trust the grandmother “at all.”

Months after losing Ezra, the grieving mother gave birth to her third child, Uriel.

“There was no time to control my son’s death before there was my daughter’s life. And how beautiful is that,’ she said.

“She came out so small, she was beautiful and just radiant.”

In November 2022, Kaila left Uriel in her mother’s care while she got her hair done.

Ezra died in December 2021 after drowning in a pool on the property of his grandmother Tracey Nix in her sleep.

Uriel died nearly a year after Nix “just forgot” the children in the back of his vehicle on a 90-degree day.

She knew her mother had lunch plans with friends and said she trusted them as she rarely allowed her daughter to be unsupervised with Nix.

“Uri was at a restaurant with other people that he knew and trusted, they were in the friend group and they were keeping her safe, and I had overseen many, many, many interactions at this time in my house,” she told WSVN.

Uriel died after being left in Nix’s car in 90 degree heat. Nix said she “just forgot” her granddaughter in her car after coming home from lunch with her friends.

He was practicing the piano when “suddenly” he remembered the little boy.

Nun Ney ran outside and began CPR on the boy, but was unsuccessful.

drew said fox 13: ‘When I got home, I come to pick up my girl, and there are ambulances there, and I’m thinking, “What the hell is going on?” I was having flashbacks, because when I got back with Ezra there, it was the exact same scene.

Police showed up at Kaila’s door to share the heartbreaking news, but the mother was confused.

“I said, ‘I’m sorry what? I know Ezra is dead. Why are you here, like what, what is this?'” Kalia recalled. ‘[He said:] “No, Kaila, your baby is dead.”

“You couldn’t imagine it happening twice,” Drew said. Someone has to answer for that.

‘I want justice for my son. I want justice because he didn’t get that. And now I have to sit here and expose this. So he didn’t let what happened to my son happen to my daughter. And get away with it because he couldn’t live with that as a father.

Drew with his son Asher and his late son Ezra at an unknown time

Kalia and Drew want their children to know that they are “sorry” and that their lives were “taken by someone we thought was trustworthy.”

Nix’s attorney, William Fletcher, argued that the deaths were “obviously an accident.”

‘The question was: is it culpable negligence?’ he told WSVN. “Tracey loves her daughter and her son-in-law and all of her children and grandchildren.

‘I have a couple of grandkids and you feel the same way about your grandkids, so the parents are hurting, but the grandparents are hurting too. So there are no winners here.

As for the jury, Fletcher wants them to look at the facts of the case and nothing else to determine whether or not Nix was negligent, as he is concerned that Nix will not receive a fair trial.

“Looking at what really happened, as far as Uriel, the girl,” Fletcher said. ‘And decide, is this culpable negligence?

“Everybody’s seeing this narrative: ‘She’s responsible. She’s responsible,’ and I’m here to say as much as I ethically can, it’s not true.”

As for Kalia and Drew, they want their deceased children to know that they are “sorry” and that their lives were “taken by someone we thought was trustworthy.”

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