Daniel Andrews: Petition launched calling for the removal of former Victorian Premier’s ‘inappropriate and unjustified’ King’s Birthday Honour

A petition has been launched amid growing calls for the removal of Daniel Andrews Companion of the Order of Australia.

Victorian Nationals leader Peter Walsh launched the petition on Wednesday calling on Governor-General David Hurley to strip Andrews of his King’s Birthday honour, saying it is ‘inappropriate and unjustified’.

The country’s highest honor was awarded to Mr Andrews on Monday for his “distinguished services to the people and parliament of Victoria, to public health, to policy and regulatory reform, and to infrastructure development”.

However, the award sparked a backlash, with many Victorians criticizing the former premier for the state having the world’s longest lockdown during Covid.

Mr Andrews also caused controversy by canceling Victoria’s hosting of the Commonwealth Games – after spending just under $600 million.

The country’s highest honor was awarded to former Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews (pictured with his wife) on Monday, sparking division.

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Should former Prime Minister Daniel Andrews be stripped of his Companion of the Order of Australia?

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  • No 3 votes
  • Australia would have to decide 0 votes

Mr Walsh said the former premier, who was nicknamed ‘Dictator Dan’ during Covid, had let Victorians down with the way he handled the pandemic, the reported Herald Sun.

He added that “under no circumstances” should Mr Andrews retain his award.

“We’re all still paying the price. Melbourne remained in lockdown for a total of 262 days – the longest in the world – under the draconian Andrews laws,” he said.

‘Mr Andrews also oversaw a messy and ill-conceived hotel quarantine program that claimed the lives of almost 800 Victorians.

“It’s up to Victorians to pick up the pieces, now burdened with record debt because Mr Andrews couldn’t manage money.”

Melbourne spent 262 days in lockdown during the Covid pandemic. During the height of the pandemic, they were allowed an hour of exercise every day

Victoria’s former Liberal premier Jeff Kennett also added to the furor when he called on Shelly Reys, president of the Council for the Order of Australia, to explain why Mr Andrews received the honour.

“To my knowledge, Mr. Andrews has not only failed to perform any eminent community service, but has also reprehensibly failed any objective test on the matters for which he has been recognized,” Mr. Kennett wrote this week.

Mr Kennett also believes Victorians will “pay heavily for decades” because of Mr Andrews’ “failures”.

Former United Australia Party federal MP Craig Kelly also shared his thoughts on X along with several critics of Mr Andrews.

‘At first I thought it was a bad joke, but both Dan Andrews and former WA Prime Minister Mark McGowan were awarded ACs for ‘Covid Leadership’ in the King’s Birthday Honours. They should both serve a prison sentence,” he said.

Former Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews (pictured at a Covid press briefing) has been a familiar face during the pandemic. Victoria had a total of 262 days in lockdown – the most in the world – earning the nickname ‘Dictator Dan’

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