Dandenong Plaza: Teenager suffers seizure after being put in a chokehold by an undercover cop during dramatic arrest at a busy shopping centre

A young father suffered a seizure after an undercover police officer put him in a chokehold in the middle of a busy Melbourne shopping centre.

Dramatic footage taken at Dandenong Plaza, in the city’s south, shows the 19-year-old in a chokehold by a male officer, while a female officer stood to the side about 11am on Tuesday.

It is understood the teenager was sharing a meal with his partner and 19-month-old baby when officers approached.

An ambulance took him to hospital shortly afterwards for observation, while he was under police guard.

He was forced to the ground during the arrest and reportedly suffered a seizure and head injuries. He was later taken to hospital.

Video of the arrest captured by witnesses shows the 19-year-old writhing on the ground as the male officer applied pressure to his back and the female officer handcuffed him.

Victoria Police said the man was arrested “in connection with a number of ongoing investigations involving motor vehicle theft, theft from motor vehicles and burglaries throughout Melbourne”.

“The matter has been referred to the Professional Standards Command for review,” the report said.

A 19-year-old man reportedly suffered a seizure during an arrest by undercover police (above) at Dandenong Plaza on Tuesday

A witness’s video of the arrest shows the male Victoria police officer putting the teen in a chokehold (above) before forcing him to the ground

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