Dana White SLAMS delayed stoppage at UFC Fight Night as ‘one of the worst I’ve ever seen’… as Jalin Turner continued pounding defenceless Bobby Green for 12 seconds while he’s on the deck in Austin

  • White was one of many who criticized the delay before the fight was stopped
  • Green was gracious in defeat, congratulating Turner despite the controversy
  • The haters will never forgive the tarnished Conor Benn, but we'll just have to see why this is a fight… The hook

Dana White has labeled the delayed stoppage of Jalin Turner's UFC Fight Night win over Bobby Green as 'one of the worst I've ever seen'.

Turner floored Green in the first round but continued to pound him for 12 seconds as he drifted in and out of consciousness until referee Kerry Hatley intervened.

It has set the MMA world ablaze, with commentators reacting in disbelief to the 'terrible' stoppage that needlessly put Green in danger.

White said of the stoppage: “One of the worst I've ever seen.

“The difference is that some referees in the past have said stupid things like, 'I let her be a warrior tonight,' and crazy things like that.

Jalin Turner punched Bobby Green for 12 seconds after he went down until referee Kerry Hatley stopped the fight

Jalin Turner punched Bobby Green for 12 seconds after he went down until referee Kerry Hatley stopped the fight

Dana White labeled the delay

Dana White labeled the delay “one of the worst I've ever seen” but acknowledged that Hatley “doesn't feel good” about his mistake

The lightweight believes 'now more than ever' that he will one day become a UFC champion

The lightweight believes 'now more than ever' that he will one day become a UFC champion

Green was gracious in defeat, saying

Green was gracious in defeat, saying “I'm so happy for you” as Turner cruised to victories again

“He knows he made a mistake tonight and he doesn't feel good about it, so it's a shame.”

He added: “Definitely a bad stoppage. Very bad.'

The controversy, which overshadowed Turner's return to winning ways, has drawn ire from across the MMA community.

Michael Bisping, commenting on the fight for ESPN, said: “He was face down and was attacked by a very powerful, world-class striker. Kerry Hatley is a great referee, but what on earth was he waiting for?

The lives of 'peoples' are at stake, their long-term health is at stake. That was absolutely disgusting and disgraceful.”

'Bobby Green is a difficult customer. Terrible stoppage from the referee!!!' wrote Derek Brunson.

'Horrible standstill. Thats crazy! Protect the hunter,” wrote Cody Durden.

'Hey ref? Are you there?' asked Brian Kelleher.

Green was honorable in his defeat, saying in an Instagram story video, “You win some, you lose some.

“I don't think I should show people that you have to keep the G when you win, and you have to keep the G when you lose.

Michael Bisping said: 'People's lives are at stake, their long-term health is at stake.  That was absolutely disgusting and disgraceful.”

Michael Bisping said: 'People's lives are at stake, their long-term health is at stake. That was absolutely disgusting and disgraceful.”

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“Shout out to Jalin. You did your thing, brother. I am so happy for you. To all my people: another step in their career.

'There are ups, there are downs. I'll continue. I'm going nowhere.'

Meanwhile, the victorious Turner wrote on Instagram: “I believe in that now more than ever. One day I will be UFC Lightweight Champion!

'My coaches, my team and everyone who supports me, thank you all! Let's see who's next.'