Dan Andrews faces calls to resign after he cancelled the Commonwealth Games due to funding issues

Angry Australians – including famous faces – have called for Daniel Andrews to resign after announcing that the 2026 Commonwealth Games would be canceled due to funding issues.

The prime minister made the announcement on Tuesday, with the Games’ top organ revealing it had only been told eight hours earlier.

“What has become clear is that the cost of hosting these games is not the $2.6 billion that was allocated, but at least $6 billion or $7 billion,” he said.

The rights to host the 2026 event were awarded to regional Victoria last year after none of the 70 countries in the Commonwealth Games Federation raised their hands.

Mr Andrews said he would not take money from hospitals and schools to fund the event, but many have lashed out at the Prime Minister’s decision.

Angry Victorians have called on Daniel Andrews to resign after announcing the 2026 Commonwealth Games would be canceled over funding issues

Journalist Sandra Sully said the decision was a “turning point” for Australian grassroots sport.

“Our children’s future health is at risk,” she tweeted.

“We as a sport are among the best in the world, but we struggle every year to support the thousands of children who want to play… not just sport, but for Australia.”

Sully, Vice President of Hockey Australia, also shared a statement from the sports body.

Hockey Australia said it was a ‘missed opportunity’ for hockey and other Commonwealth Games sports to build their profile.

“Our dedicated, hard-working athletes will miss the cherished and rare opportunity to compete on home soil for friends, family and the Australian sporting public,” the statement said.

Australia celebrates victory during Netball's gold medal match against Jamaica at the 2022 Commonwealth Games at the NEC Arena in Birmingham.  The Commonwealth Games are important to netball players as the sport is not played at the Olympics

Australia celebrates victory during Netball’s gold medal match against Jamaica at the 2022 Commonwealth Games at the NEC Arena in Birmingham. The Commonwealth Games are important to netball players as the sport is not played at the Olympics

“Hockey is a sport with strong ties, especially in regional Australia, so this announcement will be disappointing to those in those regional Victorian communities who would have been able to support and see the Hockey Rose and Kookaburras in action.

“For junior amateur hockey players, the notoriety in these Games would have ensured and the opportunity for these players to see their heroes up close in their own backyards is now a missed opportunity. You can’t be what you can’t see.’

Former United Australia Party MP Craig Kelly said in a scathing diatribe that Andrews was a ‘national disgrace’.

“He has no more money from other people. His hysterical Covid policies and years of politicized vote-buying spending – all with borrowed money – have bankrupted Victoria,” he said.

“Dan Andrews should resign in disgrace.”

Others also expressed their views, with one saying Mr Andrews had lost support.

Journalist Sandra Sully said the decision was a

Journalist Sandra Sully said the decision was a “turning point” for Australian grassroots sport

Former federal MP Craig Kelly said in scathing tirade that Andrews was a 'national disgrace'

Former federal MP Craig Kelly said in scathing tirade that Andrews was a ‘national disgrace’

“I’ve been a supporter and defender of you for a long time, Dan, even during lockdowns,” they said.

“I’m done now, you lost me. You must step down for the good of everyone in Australia.”

Another called it an “embarrassing failure.”

“Just resign and end it now! Victoria is the laughingstock of the country,” they tweeted.

Swimming Australia head coach Rohan Taylor is also shocked by the decision and hopes the 2026 edition will be rescheduled, describing the Games as crucial ahead of the 2032 Brisbane Olympics..

Other Victorians also lashed out at the Prime Minister for his decision to cancel the Games

Other Victorians also lashed out at the Prime Minister for his decision to cancel the Games

1689685539 941 Dan Andrews faces calls to resign after he cancelled the

“It’s disappointing for the Australian public to miss that event, which we know is a great opportunity for our athletes to represent their country,” Taylor told AAP.

“I’m disappointed they don’t get the chance to do that… athletes perform in front of a home crowd.

‘That is a very important competition, not only for swimming, but for our country.

‘Especially with the run-up to Brisbane (Olympic Games) it is always good to have international competition.’

In total, 307 of Australia’s 1,001 gold medals – the most of any nation at the Commonwealth Games – have been won in the pool.

Meanwhile, some Victorians have applauded Mr Andrews for his decision, saying the money is needed elsewhere.

Dan Andrews is doing exactly what he was re-elected for. Put Victoria first. The Commonwealth Games are irrelevant,” one wrote.

‘Difficult times for many people at the moment with consequences for food, shelter, health, transport. Dan Andrews has shown real leadership and made the right decision,” said another.

‘Fine. Who cares about sports when housing is an issue..well done Dan Andrews,” read another tweet.

The reason behind the shock decision is due to the state’s money problems, with Victoria’s projected debt of $135.4 billion in 2024 rising to $171.4 billion in 2026-27.

“I will not take money from hospitals and schools to fund an event that is three times the cost estimated and budgeted for last year,” Andrews said.

In an angry statement, the Commonwealth Games Federation said it was not informed of Victoria’s decision until hours in advance.

“We are disappointed that we were only informed eight hours in advance and that no attention was paid to discussing the situation to jointly find solutions before this decision is taken by the government,” it said in a statement.

Swimming champion James Magnussen said the decision was a bitter blow to athletes

Swimming champion James Magnussen said the decision was a bitter blow to athletes

“Until now, the government had indicated that sufficient funds were available to hold the Victoria 2026 Commonwealth Games.”

Legendary sports broadcaster Bruce McAvaney said the stunning announcement was an “embarrassment.”

He said the Games now face a “tremendous challenge” and the event could end altogether.

“It’s a big shock … I didn’t see it coming,” McAvaney told Radio 3AW’s Neil Mitchell.

Swimming champion James Magnussen said the decision was a bitter blow to athletes.

“Very disappointing as an athlete. The Comm Games hold a special place in the Australian sporting calendar,” said Magnussen, a Commonwealth Games gold medalist.

‘A home Games inspires a whole new generation of athletes and is one of the few recruitment tools that a sport like swimming has.

“It’s also a letdown for Victorian country athletes and coaches who would benefit from new and/or improved facilities.”