Damning texts between Fani Willis’ lover’s divorce lawyer and the attorney for Trump’s co-defendant are revealed – a day after the star witness’ bumbling testimony on the stand

Text messages between Nathan Wade’s divorce attorney, Terrence Bradley, and an attorney for a co-defendant of Donald Trump communicated regularly via text message, showing damning information about Wade’s affair with Fani Willis.

Bradley, the former divorce lawyer and partner of Wade, took the stand on Tuesday, where he was shown a series of text messages in which he discussed the timeline of Willis and Wade’s relationship — one of the central issues of the trial .

Michael Roman and other co-defendants in Trump’s case want 53-year-old prosecutor Fanni Willis disqualified because of what they call an “inappropriate” relationship.

The full extent of the messages, which number in the hundreds, were revealed Wednesday by The Megyn Kelly Show.

In it, Roman’s attorney, Ashleigh Merchant, urges Bradley to get information about the case, even asking on September 18 if she can get an affidavit, to which Bradley says, “No… no one would just set that bridge on fire.’

Text messages between Nathan Wade’s divorce attorney, Terrence Bradley (pictured), and an attorney for a co-defendant of Donald Trump communicated regularly via text message, showing damning information about Wade’s affair with Fani Willis

Ashleigh Merchant (pictured) – Roman’s lawyer – presses Bradley for information on the case and even asks on September 18 if she can get an affidavit, to which Bradley says: ‘No… no one would freely cross that bridge to burn’

She asked whether Wade’s partner, Christopher Campbell, would admit to the affair if asked under oath.

“No,” Bradley replies. “He knows it, but won’t admit it.”

Another set of messages, sent on Jan. 5 — just before Merchant filed a motion asking for the disqualification of the entire Fulton County District Attorney’s Office, including Wade and Willis — said, “I assume you are aware was from the trips’ to Bradley.

Defense attorneys said Willis benefited financially from hiring Wade because he paid for the trips they took, along with the money he made from the case.

Willis and Wade both testified that they split the travel expenses approximately equally.

“It doesn’t surprise me…they’ve made a lot of trips to Florida. Texas. California,” Bradley said, after Merchant clarified that the trips did not occur until “May or June” last summer.

Bradley added that they took a trip to California when Willis’ daughter dropped out of Florida A&M University and moved to the Golden State.

“I can’t believe they were so carefree,” Koopman said. “I’m trying to anticipate her reaction when I blow this up.”

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (left) is on trial for financial corruption in connection with hiring her lover Nathan Wade (right) to prosecute former President Donald Trump in the high-profile election interference case

The full extent of the messages, which number in the hundreds, were revealed Wednesday by The Megyn Kelly Show

Another set of messages, sent on Jan. 5 — just before Merchant filed a motion seeking disqualification of the entire Fulton County District Attorney’s office, including Wade and Willis — said: “I assume you are aware was from the trips’ to Bradley.

“It doesn’t surprise me…they’ve made a lot of trips to Florida. Texas. California,” Bradley said, after Merchant clarified that the trips did not occur until “May or June” last summer.

‘Damn. They were in a full-blown relationship. Disturbed. Just insane,” said a bewildered merchant.

Bradley replies, “He was going to help her move.”

“Why she would hire him is insane,” Merchant added. “Just like date, don’t accept it.”

Shortly afterwards, Merchant asks Bradley if he thinks they started dating before Willis hired Wade.

‘Absolute. It started when she left the district attorney’s office and became a judge in South Fulton,” Bradley responded. “They met at the Municipal Court CLE conference.”

Koopman said: ‘I already thought so. When he was married.’

Two hours later, Merchant texted Bradley another question.

‘Is this right? Upon information and belief, Willis and Wade met while both were serving as magistrate judges and began a romantic relationship during that time.”

Merchant asks Bradley at one point if he thinks they started dating before Willis hired Wade

‘Absolute. It started when she left the district attorney’s office and became a judge in South Fulton,” Bradley responded

Bradley simply wrote back: “Arrogance.”

Bradley responded, “Not municipal court,” to which Merchant thanked him, before adding that he may be one of the few people who know, “even” Wade’s law partner Campbell.

Merchant later promises to protect Bradley’s identity in the motion she plans to file.

Bradley, when asked by Merchant how they would respond, said Willis and Wade will “deny it” and not attack Merchant.

‘I heard that, but I didn’t mention it because I didn’t have any proof… I’m shocked that she paid him that much. How did they think they wouldn’t get caught!!!,” Koopman exclaimed.

In the texts, as revealed by Kelly, Bradley encourages Merchant and tells her she’s “the best lawyer I know.”

He even gives her the lead that led to a former friend of Willis, Robin Yeartie, testifying publicly.

“Make an open records request of all the people who were hired when Fani took office and who were fired around June 2022… if you understand that, I can give you the name… she hired a friend. Like a best friend.’

Merchant later promises to protect Bradley’s identity in the motion she plans to file

On Tuesday, Bradley tied himself in knots on the stand and repeatedly told the court he “couldn’t remember” when asked whether Wade and Willis began their romantic relationship before he was hired to prosecute the former president in Georgia.

Wade’s former law partner used the phrase more than a dozen times while on the witness stand, including once when he told the court, “I don’t remember if I lied,” when asked about previous statements he made had made regarding Wade and Willis’ relationship.

Bradley’s dramatic appearance followed equally dramatic revelations that Wade visited DA Fani Willis’ Georgia district at least 35 times and stayed overnight before hiring him onto the Trump investigation team.

Willis and Wade stayed true to the story that they began their romantic relationship in 2022, after he was drafted into the team charged with investigating Trump’s attempt to overturn the election in Georgia. But testimony at the hearing and evidence presented in court punched several holes in the claim.

Michael Roman, a political strategist and former Trump campaign official, and several other co-defendants in Trump’s case are trying to kick 53-year-old prosecutor Fanni Willis off the case over what they say was an “inappropriate” relationship.

They cite her alleged financial benefit from a “personal, romantic relationship” with Special Prosecutor Wade, whom she hired – at taxpayer expense – to work on the case.

While Willis and Wade have acknowledged their relationship, they have repeatedly argued that it “does not amount to a disqualifying conflict of interest” and that the relationship “has never directly or indirectly provided any financial benefit to District Attorney Willis.”

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