Dale Nicholson dead after divers find missing man’s car in the River Derwent


Unsolved case preview when divers find a dead man sitting inside a car at the bottom of a river, six years after he went missing.

  • Divers find human remains in submerged car
  • Car was found at the bottom of the River Derwent
  • Dale Nicholson, 61, disappeared in December 2016

A man who went missing more than six years ago has been found dead after divers found his remains inside a submerged car just steps from a busy public swimming pool.

Dale Nicholson, 61, disappeared on December 10, 2016 after speaking with a friend on the phone in the afternoon.

His family reported him missing the next day; however, despite an extensive police search, he was never found.

Dale Nicholson, 61, disappeared on December 10, 2016 after speaking with a friend on the phone in the afternoon.

Downunder Divers, a team that specializes in closing cold cases, found Mr Nicholson’s Ford Falcon sedan submerged in the River Derwent on Monday (file image of River Derwent pictured)

Downunder Divers, a team that specializes in closing cold cases, announced via YouTube on Monday that Mr Nicholson and his car had been found.

The team found his Ford Falcon sedan submerged in the River Derwent next to a parking lot used for a busy local swimming pool.

Mr Nicholson and his Ford Falcon (pictured) were found in the River Derwent six years after they went missing.

Police said the car and the remains were recovered last night, but no formal identification of the body has yet been made.

A 2021 coroner’s report found “all available evidence” pointed to Mr. Nicholson being dead, but was unable to make any further findings.

More to come.

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