Dad and son confronted with red bellied black snake at Jamberoo Recreation Park south coast


Dad and his young son set out on the first Jamberoo sleigh ride of the day, before being faced with a terrifying sight on the track seconds later.

  • A father and son encountered a poisonous snake on a sled
  • They were at Jamberoo Recreation Park when they ran over the snake.
  • The snake was not injured and was removed from the tracks.

A father has revealed the terrifying moment he came face to face with a venomous snake while riding a slide at an amusement park.

The father and son were on their first walk of the day at Jamberoo Recreation Park on the south coast of New South Wales when they came across the reptile sunning itself on the track.

A video captured the moment they turned the corner and saw the large red-bellied black snake in front of them.

A father and son were on their first ride of the day at Jamberoo Recreation Park on the south coast of New South Wales when they came across the reptile sunning itself on the tracks.

‘I went through it slowly and let you know at the bottom. They quickly stopped anyone else getting on and hopefully moved the guy,” the father wrote alongside the photo on Reddit.

And while he remained cool, calm and collected, his little son seemed stressed by the situation.

The photo captured her discomfort in high definition.

Are red-bellied black snakes deadly?

Red-bellied black snakes are one of the most frequently found snakes on the east coast of Australia, responsible for several bites each year. They are a timid snake and will usually only give a serious bite under severe abuse.

When approached in the wild, a red-bellied black snake will often freeze to avoid detection, and people can unknowingly get close long before registering the snake’s presence.

If unable to escape, the snake will rear up with its head and body separated but parallel to the ground, extend its neck and hiss loudly, and may even simulate blows with its mouth closed.

Additional harassment will cause the snake to attack and deliver a quick (but often clumsy) bite, and it may sometimes latch on and chew wildly.

The venom has predominantly anticoagulant and myotoxic effects, and symptoms of envenomation include bleeding and/or swelling at the sting site, nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal pain, diarrhea, sweating, local or general muscle pain and weakness, and reddish-brown urine. (due to the release of myoglobin from damaged muscle tissue).

Font: australian museum

And the people on Reddit seemed to channel that energy.

‘Where you control the action. ‘I’d like more action please.’ .’No, that’s too much,’ wrote one man.

“Didn’t realize you would be able to maneuver the controls a lot but omg I was lucky it didn’t bite,” said another.

Others made jokes about losing the snake.

“Poor guy was just trying to find his way to The Taipan,” said one man, referring to his famous slide.

Others were less surprised.

‘This happens almost every day. Especially on colder days the slide is open. For anyone who grew up going to the Jamberoo recreation park, it was common knowledge not to wear them for the first hour.’

The man said that he usually sits on the wild rides.

‘I usually use my kids as an excuse not to do extreme rides… this was the exception! It was an amazing day.

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