D.C. National Guard whistleblowers said they were ready to deploy on Trump’s orders on Jan. 6 but were stopped by the Pentagon in testimony that contradicted the Capitol riot committee’s narrative

Whistleblowers from the Washington DC National Guard will tell Congress that Donald Trump wanted to deploy them during the Capitol riot and that the military delayed telling them to mobilize at a hearing next week.

DailyMail.com can exclusively reveal that at least three officers will appear before a House of Representatives subcommittee on Wednesday to claim their stories were also ignored by the Democratic-led January 6 committee because it did not fit their narrative.

The hearing will aim to further prove that then-acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller pre-approved the deployment of the DC National Guard at the direction of then-President Donald Trump.

A person familiar with the review by the House Administration Committee’s Oversight Subcommittee said the whistleblowers will testify that then-Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy was delayed at least two hours by officially notifying D.C. National Guard Commander William Walker to send troops to the Capitol.

Three D.C. National Guard officers on duty Jan. 6, 2021, will testify on the House floor Wednesday about the military communications disruption that led to hours of delays in mobilization for the attack on the Capitol

The whistleblowers will speak to Chairman Barry Loudermilk’s House Administration Committee Oversight Subcommittee, which is charged with reviewing the Select Committee’s investigation into the January 6 attack.

Instead of getting to the bottom of the communications breakdown and focusing on improving military preparedness for future incidents, the witnesses believe the January 6 panel focused solely on pinning blame for the events that day on Trump.

The officers, who were with McCarthy on the day of the Capitol riot, will describe how they spent hours in full tactical gear on buses waiting for the green light from the military.

McCarthy has testified under oath that he ordered the deployment of the DC National Guard in a timely manner — but Walker’s troops said they learned of the mobilization at a news conference, leading to a three-hour, 19-hour delay minutes from the armed forces. arrived at the Capitol.

Some suggest that McCarthy was vying for a spot in President Joe Biden’s incoming administration and didn’t like that it appeared the military, under his command, was trying to disrupt or disrupt the certification of the 2020 presidential election results to obstruct.

Wednesday’s hearing is titled “Three Years Later: DC National Guard Whistleblowers Speak Out on January 6 Delay” and aims to investigate whether Trump was to blame for the delay in deploying the National Guard.

In addition, the whistleblowers will reveal how the January 6 Committee refused to hear their testimony as it confirmed claims by Trump and his allies that the former president had authorized the National Guard days in advance to respond to any potential violence or unrest on January 6 January. 2021.

Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.) is chairman of the Oversight Subcommittee, which is charged with reviewing the committee’s Jan. 6 investigation into the Capitol riot.

Last month, Loudermilk published a transcript of a never-before-seen interview with Tony Ornato, the man responsible for Trump’s security on January 6, 2021. In the interview with the panel, Ornato confirmed that Trump had authorized the National Guard to mobilize and deployment to DC that day.

The shocking release of that interview reveals flaws in the committee’s Jan. 6 argument that Trump wanted to foment chaos that day by not allowing National Guard troops to respond to the scene at the Capitol.

Loudermilk’s panel wants to ensure that the security of the U.S. Capitol complex is impartial and that preparedness is not influenced by partisan politics.

Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund and DC National Guard leader Maj. Gen. Walker said that Army Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt (ret.), who was the Army’s staff director at the time of the riot, denied Sund’s request delayed or ignored requests for National Guard support. .

They accused Piatt of saying, “I don’t like the image of the National Guard standing in a police line with the Capitol in the background.”

DC National Guard whistleblowers will be able to confirm this at Wednesday’s hearing, despite Piatt testifying under oath that he never discussed optics.

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