Customer’s warning after sly golf club worker added hefty tip on order without her knowing

A Kentucky woman has warned others to always check their receipts – after a run-in with a golf club employee who allegedly added a 20 percent tip to her bill without telling her.

Jenna Simpson visited Keene Trace Golf Club on August 27 and got two soft drinks at a restaurant on the golf course called Champions Bar & Grill.

She showed off a receipt on her now viral TikTok video revealed that the drinks themselves cost $5.66. However, when she saw the server swipe her credit card, the total somehow rose to $7.20.

Since that seemed like too much for just taxes, she said yes when the server asked Simpson if she wanted a receipt. And she discovered that the numbers were completely wrong.

With taxes her bill should have been $6.00. But Simpson quickly realized that 20 percent of that is $1.20. That would amount to exactly $7.20, which made her suspect the server had sneaked in a tip for herself.

Jenna Simpson, pictured, shows her receipt, which is probably incorrect

Simpson said she went back to the bar and confronted the employee.

“Is there a tip added to this?” she remembers asking, to which the server allegedly replied, “No, credit cards have a 20 percent service fee.”

Simpson looked at the receipt again, which showed that no service charge had been charged.

Yet companies are only allowed to charge a credit card surcharge of 1 to 4 percent Fortune.

So Simpson fired back, “That would have been nice to know before I handed you my credit card because I would have preferred to just pay cash and save my $1.20.”

Simpson then reveals the moment in her interaction with the employee that completely stunned her.

‘[The server] says… “Okay, do you want me to refund the tip?”, Simpson told.

Pictured: Keen Trace Golf Club in Nicholasville, Kentucky. The course has 36 holes

Pictured: Keen Trace Golf Club in Nicholasville, Kentucky. The course has 36 holes

In the photo: a bar at the golf club

In the photo: a bar at the golf club

This came as a complete shock, especially since she claimed she had not previously received a receipt on which to write a tip amount.

Simpson’s receipt shows that she never indicated she would leave a tip, nor did she sign it.

When Simpson asked for her money back, she said the server dug into the cash drawer and gave her $2 because she didn’t have exact change.

“That just tells me she’s guilty, because why would you give me an extra 80 cents if you’re not wrong?” she said.

“So I think she accidentally hit the 20 percent tip button or tried to give me a quick tip,” she added.

People who watched her video overwhelmingly agreed that this was probably not an accident.

‘100% must tell management. that’s not okay,” one person wrote.

“That is VERY illegal on her part,” another wrote.

“She just added a tip,” a third claimed.

‘Not bad and a nice catch. She 100% tried to steal a tip,” said a fourth.

In the photo: a top view of the golf club

In the photo: a top view of the golf club

Another person wondered how the 20 percent charge was not reflected in her account. Simpson replied to the comment, saying, “Yes, that’s exactly what first caught my attention.” reached out to the current manager of the restaurant Simpson went to, but he did not immediately respond with a request for comment.

Simpson posted one update video where she showed the email she sent to management. She summarized her entire experience and informed them about laws regarding credit card surcharges.

According to a screenshot Simpson showed, the restaurant manager allegedly responded and told her that guests should be given a ticket to add a tip.

According to the screenshot, the manager also claimed that they had retrieved the security footage of the incident and believed that there was no theft. approached Simpson for comment.