Cracking the Code: Solutions to 10 eCommerce SEO Challenges

eCommerce SEO is the art of making sure that your online store’s web presence is optimized in a way that gets it to the top of search engine results. Since over 90% of online experiences start with a search engine, eCommerce businesses must have a strong SEO plan.

There are many perks to good eCommerce SEO. It not only brings in organic traffic but also increases exposure, credibility, and, in the end, sales. Research shows that 95% of clicks go to websites on the first page of search results. This shows how important it is to work on SEO to reach the top of the list.

Even though eCommerce SEO offers a lot of great possibilities, businesses must also deal with a set of problems. These hurdles seem difficiult to overcome, from fierce competition to complicated technical issues and managing material. But the effort is worth it because each challenge allows you to improve your plan and get ahead of the competition.

In this article, we will discuss 10 common eCommerce SEO challenges and offer solutions to help your business deal with them head-on. As we get into the details of eCommerce SEO, remember that while the road may be bumpy, the end goal is a more successful online store, which is well worth the effort.

Here are 10 eCommerce SEO Challenges

Challenge 1: Intense Competition

In the super-saturated e-commerce environment, standing out from the crowd has become arduous. Competitors get through a sea of businesses, all seeking to capture the same audience, as many online stores are vying for consumers’ attention.

Statistics indicate that online stores are steadily increasing, and experts predict there will be over 2.7 billion online shoppers worldwide at the end of 2023.

Niche targeting and creating a unique value proposition effectively solve this challenge. Focusing on a specific niche allows businesses to cater to a well-defined audience with distinct preferences. 68% of online shoppers value personalized and relevant content, according to research, which makes niche targeting a profitable approach.

Successful niche-focused e-commerce stores demonstrate this approach. Beardbrand, a grooming products retailer that caters exclusively to bearded individuals, has addressed a specific need within the grooming market and has gained a dedicated following. Similarly, Brika curates a selection of artisanal crafts that resonates with a niche audience seeking authentic handmade products, thriving as an online marketplace.

Challenge 2: Technical SEO Complexity

Regarding technical SEO, eCommerce ventures face several complicated challenges that can have a big effect on their search engine ranks and how their users feel about their sites. These problems include site speed, how well the site works on cell phones, and crawl mistakes.

  • Speed of the site: According to research, 40% of users leave a website that takes more than three seconds to load. Slow running times cause more people to leave your site and make it harder for search engine crawlers to find your site. If a page takes one second longer to respond, sales can drop by 7%.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Mobile response is significant because over half of all website traffic comes from mobile devices. Google uses how mobile-friendly a site is as a ranking factor, so it’s vital for SEO success.
  • Crawl Errors: Things like broken links, duplicate content, and pages that can’t be accessed can make it hard for search engine crawlers to index your site correctly, which hurts your exposure.

To overcome these problems, you can use successful solutions like:

  • Optimizing Pictures: Compressing pictures without lowering their quality can greatly speed up a site.
  • Using Caching: Use browser caching to store frequently used resources, making it faster for returning users to load pages.
  • Using Responsive Design: If you use responsive design, your website will automatically adjust to different screen sizes, making it easier to use on a mobile device.

It would be better to use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and Mobile-Friendly Test. These tools inform you about how well your eCommerce website is doing and show you where it could improve.

Challenge 3: Content Duplication

Duplicated content is a severe issue for eCommerce websites because it may harm SEO efforts and search engine results. Statistics show that problems with similar content can cut traffic from organic search by 50%.

Two risks come with having duplicate material.

First, when Google and other search engines need help figuring out which version of the content to show in search results, it may be less visible, and they may even index the wrong version.

Second, having the same content on multiple product pages can make your products less unique, hurt the user experience, and hurt the trustworthiness of your brand.

The issues can be solved by putting into action some practical plans. Such as;

  • Make unique product descriptions by giving each item in your inventory an exciting explanation. Provide helpful information for users and search engines, making your product stand out.
  • You should use canonical tags to show which page version is preferred when there are various URLs with the same content. This helps search engines figure out where the information came from.
  • Avoid repeating the same content on multiple product pages to improve category pages. Instead, optimize them with unique content. Give detailed descriptions of each category to show the variety of goods.

By using these methods, you can reduce the chances of content duplication, improve your eCommerce SEO, and give users a better and more engaging experience.

Challenge 4: Keyword Targeting

For eCommerce businesses aiming to enhance product visibility and search rankings, mastering keyword targeting is crucial. With stats indicating that more than 40% of revenue originates from organic search, the significance of precise keyword selection cannot be overstated.

The problem is finding keywords with the right amount of relevance and competition. If you don’t target the right keywords, you may miss out on chances to attract customers and drive conversions.

You can deal with this problem by following strategic techniques.

  • Do a lot of study on keywords to find terms that are relevant to your products and will resonate with your target audience. Use keyword study tools to find keywords with a lot of potential.
  • Long-tail keywords, which are longer and more specific sentences, often have less competition and more conversion potential. You can get good results if you use these keywords in your product descriptions and material.
  • Track the performance of selected keywords regularly to keep an eye on how well they are doing. Check how well your keyword plan works by keeping track of search volume, click-through rates, and conversions.

Using these solutions, you can improve your keyword targeting strategy, make yourself more visible in search results, and connect with people actively looking for your products or services.

Challenge 5: Poor Site Structure

A confusing site layout may damage SEO efforts, making it harder for search engines to crawl and index your web pages. Studies have shown that websites with well-organized layouts appear 2.5 times more often in organic search results than websites with messy designs.

When your site structure isn’t clear, it’s hard for search engines to figure out how your information is organized. It leads to lousy indexing, different experiences for different users, and lower search ranks. Users also find it hard to get around, which makes the bounce rate go up.

To solve this issue,

  • Set up a logical structure, Organize the information in a way that makes sense, and ensure that each page is easy to get to from the homepage. Breadcrumb browsing helps people know where they are on a site.
  • Putting products into clear categories makes it easier for users and search engines to find what they’re looking for. Research shows that people spend 58% more time on sites with clear categories.

By using these tactics, you can improve eCommerce sites structure, make the user experience better, and move up in the search engine ranks, which will lead to more organic traffic and sales.

Challenge 6: Indexation Issues

Ensuring search engines index the right pages is vital for eCommerce websites. Studies show that almost 54% of web pages are not found by Google because of multiple issues.

When search engines index pages that need to be more relevant or duplicated, it makes it easier for people to find suitable material and hurts the user experience. This mismatch can lead to less traffic from search engines and missed conversion chances.

To deal with this problem, it’s crucial to use intelligent solutions,

  • Use Robots.txt: You can tell search engines which pages to crawl and scan by using the robots.txt file. This tool stops sensitive or unwanted information from being indexed.
  • Use XML Sitemaps: Make XML sitemaps and send them to search engines. With these organized groups of URLs, search engines can find the most relevant and helpful pages to index.
  • Monitor Google Search Console: Check Google Search Console often to see if there are any indexing errors, crawling problems, or tips for making your website more visible.

By using these methods, you can make sure the indexing is accurate, increase your online exposure, and make it easy for users to find relevant content.

Challenge 7: Outdated Content

When trying to reach their search engine optimization (SEO) goals, eCommerce businesses face a big task in the form of the possible risks that come with using old content. When information on a website gets old, search engines see that as a sign that it is less relevant. This lowers the website’s rank in search results. The freshness factor, which affects about 35% of search results, shows that Google’s algorithms like new or recently changed content.

Not only does giving out-of-date information about a product mislead potential customers, but it also damages the general user experience. Google’s preference for showing the most current content may make it harder for people to find pages that have old information.

To counter this challenge, you can adopt effective strategies:

To deal with this problem, you can do the following things that work:

  • Regularly Update Product Information: Make sure that product details, prices, and specs are always correct. This practice is good for buyers and shows search engines that your content is relevant.
  • Refresh Blog Posts: Add new ideas, information, and trends to improve them. By updating evergreen material regularly, you can keep it relevant and keep it bringing in visitors on its own.
  • Archive Old Pages: Consider archiving or redirecting old pages that are no longer relevant. This prevents users from encountering outdated information and preserves your site’s overall SEO health.

By taking the above steps, you can ensure that outdated content doesn’t hurt your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts too much. Keeping information up-to-date, accurate, and relevant improves search engine results.

Challenge 8: Earning Quality Backlinks

Acquiring quality backlinks is crucial for SEO success, yet it remains a formidable task. Research demonstrates that backlinks are a top-ranking factor, influencing approximately 30% of search engine rankings.

eCommerce businesses often struggle to attract high-quality backlinks due to the nature of their offerings. However, a lack of quality backlinks can impede search engine visibility and hinder organic traffic growth.

To surmount this challenge, you can implement strategic solutions:

  • Create Shareable Content: Develop valuable, informative, and engaging content that naturally attracts links. Comprehensive guides, infographics, and in-depth analyses are examples of content that can earn backlinks.
  • Guest Posting: Collaborate with authoritative websites in your niche to contribute guest posts. Guest posting not only showcases your expertise but also earns you valuable backlinks.
  • Utilize Influencer Collaborations: Partner with industry influencers and bloggers to promote your products. Their endorsements can lead to natural backlinks from their followers.

By embracing these solutions, you can overcome the challenge of earning quality backlinks. Crafting shareable content, engaging in guest posting, and leveraging influencer collaborations not only bolster SEO efforts but also expand brand visibility.

Challenge 9: Handling Product Variations

Managing SEO for eCommerce websites with multiple product variations, such as size, color, and features, presents a unique challenge. Research highlights that nearly 39% of consumers perform specific long-tail searches, emphasizing the importance of effectively addressing these variations.

Each product variation generating a separate URL can potentially lead to duplicate content issues, which creates eCommerce SEO challenges. Search engine visibility is diluted, and users seeking specific variations need clarification.

To tackle this challenge, deploy strategic solutions.

  • Canonical Tags: Implement canonical tags to indicate the preferred version of a page when there are multiple URLs with similar content—ensuring that search engines index the right page and mitigating the risk of duplicate content.
  • Structured Data: Use structured data markup, such as, to highlight product variations within search results. Search engines are aided in understanding the relationship between parent and child products.
  • Optimize for Long-Tail Variations: Craft unique product descriptions and titles for each variation, incorporating relevant long-tail keywords to optimise for long-tail variations. This enhances specific variations in search results.

Using these strategies, you can effectively address the challenge of managing multiple product variations. Implementing canonical tags, structuring data, and optimizing for long-tail variations improve SEO performance.

Challenge 10: Mobile-First SEO

The fact that more and more people are using their phones as their main viewing resource shows how important mobile-first optimization is in eCommerce. Since more than half of all web traffic comes from mobile devices, not optimizing for mobile can lead to big losses. According to research, 53% of mobile users leave sites that take longer than three seconds to load.

Mobile-first optimization is a must if you want to provide a smooth experience for users and keep your search engine rankings. Google’s mobile-first indexing gives more weight to the mobile versions of websites when it comes to indexing and rating. eCommerce businesses have no choice but to adopt this method.

You can use strategic methods to deal with the problem of mobile-first SEO:

  • Responsive Design: Use responsive design concepts to ensure your website fits perfectly on different screen sizes and gives the same experience on all devices.
  • AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages): Use AMP to make versions of web pages that load faster, improving mobile speed and getting more attention from search engines.
  • Optimise for Voice Search: The number of voice searches is going up, and about 41% of people use voice searches every day. Use conversational keywords and address user intent to make your material better for voice searches.

By using these methods, you can do well in a world where mobile is king. Adopting responsive design, Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), and voice search optimization not only improves the user experience but also keeps your search engine results, which drives organic traffic and helps you make more sales.


Key ways to improve search engine visibility are to have a well-organized site layout, put mobile experiences first, and target specific niches. Effective eCommerce SEO tactics include using canonical tags, making content that people want to share, and using structured data to deal with product variations.

Still, we keep going on our way to finding answers. It is critical to realise the importance of a complete and ongoing eCommerce SEO plan. For long-term success in the digital world, which is always changing, it is important to constantly watch, analyse, and adjust.

eCommerce businesses need to take a multifaceted approach in order to stand out, get more organic traffic, and increase conversions. By tackling problems head-on and improving their SEO strategies over time, businesses can successfully navigate eCommerce’s complicated and ever-changing world, enhance their online presence, and get to the top.

It’s Time to Optimize Your Business with eMarspro’s eCommerce SEO Services

Looking to skyrocket your online business’s success? eMarspro has the answer: our expert ecommerce SEO services that not only elevate your brand visibility but also generate smart revenue.

Our team crafts tailored strategies, delves into keyword trends, and hones in on competitor analysis to ensure you claim the top spot in search engine results.

But that’s not all – our approach is comprehensive. We optimize your technical aspects, fine-tune your content, and build authoritative links that establish your dominance in the eCommerce sector.

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