Covina Christmas Eve massacre 15 years later: Disgruntled husband in a Santa suit killed 9 when he opened fire on ex-wife and in-laws’ holiday party a week after their divorce


On Christmas Eve, fifteen years ago, a man dressed as Santa Claus came to his former in-laws' house and murdered nine people, including his ex-wife Sylvia.

Bruce Pardo, 45, was dissatisfied with his failed marriage and chose to take revenge a week after their divorce was finalized by killing her and her family during their annual holiday party in Covina, California.

Pardo was wearing a Santa Claus suit and was armed with several firearms and a homemade incendiary device when he rang the doorbell and immediately shot an 8-year-old girl in the face. She miraculously survived.

After shooting wildly around the party, Pardo then set the house on fire while the people were still inside, using a pressurized device to release a steady stream of accelerant.

Tragically, nine of the 25 partygoers who were there that night died, while three others were injured.

Bruce Pardo took his own life the next day.