I gave my 300lbs husband a piggyback on our wedding day and broke my ankle – I spent the reception in the ER in my bridal wedding dress

A newlywed couple missed their own wedding reception when the petite bride broke her ankle, leaving her hulking 300-pound husband to piggyback.

Blake and Mary Greenwell from Kentucky were posing for playful photos outside their wedding venue when the 6-foot-2 bride decided to carry her 6-foot-2 husband on her back.

Shocking video footage shows the moment the 27-year-old medical assistant screamed in pain as her ankle suddenly gave way under 30-year-old Blake’s weight.

The pair, who had only been married an hour, were devastated when they had to leave their 150 guests at the venue and rush to hospital.

There, doctors confirmed that Mary had broken her ankle in two places and the newlyweds were forced to spend their wedding night in the emergency room while their guests celebrated without them.

Blake and Mary Greenwell were posing for playful photos outside their wedding venue when the 6-foot-2 bride decided to carry her 6-foot-2 husband on her back

Shocking video footage shows the moment the 27-year-old medical assistant screamed in pain as her ankle suddenly gave way under the weight of 30-year-old Blake

The pair, who had only been married an hour, were devastated when they had to leave their 150 guests at the venue and rush to the hospital where they waited in the ER (pictured) while their loved ones celebrated.

Despite their dream $7,000 wedding being called off on October 12, 2019, the couple is now laughing about the unexpected turn of events and hoping to do their reception again in the future.

Mary, from Boston, Kentucky, said: ‘When we got to the venue the DJ was still setting up and we decided to kill some time by taking some silly photos outside in a field.

‘For one of them, Blake leaned over my back and I was very proud to hold it up – it was a funny photo.

Doctors confirmed that Mary had broken her ankle in two places and the newlyweds were forced to spend their wedding night in the emergency room

Despite missing her wedding day, looking back, Mary can now see the funny side

‘His brother held his feet and tried to keep us steady, but that made us fall over and left my feet on the ground.

‘Pretty immediately I knew my ankle was broken, it was like it happened in slow motion.

‘I didn’t hear a crack, but I felt a burn in my left ankle. I remember saying, “My ankle’s broken!” and I don’t think people thought I meant it at first, but then they saw how swollen it was.”

Doctors confirmed that Mary’s ankle was broken in two places and would require surgery.

The couple kisses after exchanging vows. They were married for only an hour before Mary was rushed to the hospital

The newlyweds are in hospital after the bride broke her ankle. Doctors confirmed that Mary’s ankle was broken in two places and would require surgery

The couple made it to Disney World Florida for their honeymoon six weeks later than planned, with Mary riding around the attractions on a mobility scooter.

One image shows the couple in hospital in their wedding outfits, while Mary, who is in a wheelchair, looks somberly at the camera.

The couple was stuck in the ER until 2 a.m., forcing their guests to continue the party without them and attend the wedding reception without the bride and groom.

But Blake explained that the party only lasted an hour and the guests of honor were missing.

The train driver, who got engaged to Mary on July 2, 2018, admits he still feels responsible for missing out on their dream day.

Blake said: ‘Mary was obviously very upset and I was very concerned about my new wife. I had only had her for about an hour at that point.

‘I can talk about it now, but it still hurts me. It’s more the fact that my fall broke her ankle. I blame myself a bit.

“As far as we know, the guests continued. We had all the food and drinks and the DJ on hand, so I think the guests had a good time, but it was very short.

‘I don’t think it lasted more than an hour.

“I think it just turned out to be a dinner with a little music in the background.”

Mary, who has since had 12 screws and a plate placed in her ankle, says she now looks back on the incident and laughs despite her initial upset.

Mary said, “I definitely got some funny looks while I was in the ER in my wedding dress.

‘I wasn’t angry that my ankle was broken. I was more upset because we had put so much time, money and effort into planning an entire wedding and we had to miss it.

“At the time I was very angry that we missed it, but now I can look back and laugh a bit.”

Due to Mary’s injury, Blake was forced to reorganize the surprise honeymoon to Disney World Florida, which had already been organized.

The couple reached Disney World six weeks later, with Mary riding around the attractions on a mobility scooter.

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