Councillor is banned from speaking to other staff after questioning council’s ‘woke’ decision to fly the Pride flag

A councilor in Victoria has been banned from speaking to council staff after she objected to a “woke” move to permanently fly a Gay Pride flag in council offices.

Mornington Peninsula councilor Susan Bissinger has also been instructed by Mayor Steve Holland to take a personal development course.

Ms Bissinger, who was elected to the council in 2021, said she felt “under attack” and that the gag order could mean she cannot properly represent the community.

“I’m pretty tough, but this is overwhelming,” she told the BBC Leader of the Mornington Peninsula.

The situation arose following an online exchange between Ms Bissinger, other councilors and staff about a plan to permanently fly the Pride flag at the council offices.

Councilor Susan Bissinger (pictured) is banned from speaking to council staff after objecting to the permanent display of a Gay Pride flag at council offices

Ms Bissinger fears that permanently flying the flag – which represents lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and gender non-conforming people – would be “divisive”.

She said in an email that Mornington Peninsula should not follow other “woke” councils in Melbourne in this.

This would be an example of Ms. Bissinger’s “bad behavior” during external mediation ordered by Mr. Holland.

The council’s chief executive, John Baker, was also present at the mediation and gave Ms Bissinger a letter saying she was not allowed to speak to council staff due to her ‘current behaviour’.

The letter cited the Local Government Act and told her she could only speak to Mr Baker, the council’s chief financial officer, and three other department heads.

Mrs. Bissinger said the nature of the complaints has not been properly explained to her and the instructions would make it difficult for her to work on projects like a traffic management plan for the area.

Ms Bissinger fears that permanently flying the Pride flag (pictured) – which represents lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and gender non-conforming people – would be “divisive”.

In her council division she represents the residents of Portsea, Sorrento, Blairgowrie, Rye and Tootgarook.

Julie Collins, from the Sorrento Chamber of Commerce, said Ms Bissinger’s situation was “not ideal” but local businesses were told by Mr Baker that the gag order would not affect their work with the council.

“We have been told we can contact the relevant council staff directly,” Ms Collins said.

Daily Mail Australia has contacted Mornington Peninsula Mayor Steve Holland for comment.

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