Could this 31 TB SSD sell for less than $1000 in 2024? Solidigm’s new ruler drive may be the only one

Forget consumer SSD, all the action (and excitement) seems to be happening in the enterprise market these days. Solidigm’s D5-P5336 range, launched last week, not only brings to market a new 61.44 TB version (the largest SSD available), but is also doing its best to drive prices to record lows.

At the time of writing, the 30.72 TB version sells for around $1,700 ($1,689 at TechAmerica) and even though it just launched and we’re still about four months away from 2024, I wouldn’t be surprised if this becomes the first large-capacity drive to sell for under $1000 next year (or a little over $30 a year). TB).