Could I Damage My Mouth by Mewing?

Mewing (orthotropic) is a facial reconstruction technique that involves keeping your tongue on the roof of your mouth to change your jawline’s shape. Some say you can reshape your face or help with other issues if you mew.

A growing online movement of fans worldwide encourages mewing at home for cosmetic or therapeutic well-being. takes a closer look at these claims and tells you if they’re true or false.

As stated by them, consistent tongue posture routines and patience can help quickly transform your face’s shape. Jaws are complex structures, and changing even a single part of the anatomy is challenging without affecting the other.

Changing a jawline is a very long process that consists of the soft tissue, jaw, and other facial bones. Taking this process into your own hands is not worth it. 

Problems Caused by Mewing

  • Loose Teeth
  • Altered Bite Position
  • Tooth Misalignments
  • TMJ pain

While forcing your tongue into an unnatural position can lead to tongue thrusting. This mess can change the teeth arrangement and the patient’s bite and cause swallowing and speech problems.

Tongue posturing for teeth makes it straight, and jaw arrangement isn’t the risk in mewing. What is more dangerous is caused damage when some patients replace normal treatments like jaw surgery or orthodontics with widely disputed substitutes.

There is no hurt if you’re mewing for fun. But consider the time invested against the risk that it may not work.

Some people may have held the moving health craze because they’re too disturbed by their physical appearance. Instead of fixing their self-question, mewing could worsen their mental disorder.

Mewing Side Effects

It will help if you have yet to attempt to fix medical sickness, such as breathing issues or sleep apnea, with mewing, without asking your doctor. This caution is less about the harm mewing could cause and more about not directing a potentially lethal problem with proven medical care. Some less serious side effects of mewing include;

  • Moving teeth – mewing could cause your teeth to feel loose. Wrong mewing that demands pushing your tongue against your teeth can make them shift over time.
  • Soreness – mewing can cause discomfort
  • Headache- many people complain about headaches when they start mewing.
  • Temporary Mandibular joint disorder causes severe jaw, ear, face, or neck pain. The dentist warns against mewing to avoid TMJ.
  • Distress – if someone practices mewing, it causes streets and sorrow. It also alters their facial shape.

Wrapping Up!

Many people go to different lengths to enhance their appearance. Mewing is one of the most accessible options that people tend to choose. However, this method comes with disadvantages, especially without the advice of a qualified practitioner. Always know the facts before using this method to align your jawline.

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