Coronation Street’s Ryan Connor is transformed in behind-the-scenes look at acid attack prosthetics

Striking behind-the-scenes photos have revealed the process of creating Ryan Connor’s prosthetic acid attack scars on Coronation Street.

In the ITV soap, Ryan’s planned move to Ibiza with Crystal Hyde was put on hold after he was the victim of an assault, and he’ll see his scars for the first time on Wednesday night.

New photos taken on set have revealed the complex process of making the prosthetics, which were formed using a fully molded face.

Other photos show Ryan Prescott, who plays Ryan, with the cast and the rest of the team and close-ups of the scars.

To make the prosthetics look as real as possible, the show teamed up with Emmy, BAFTA, and RTS Award-winning SFX artist Davy Jones and Makeup Prosthetics Supervisor Beks Scott.

Realistic: Striking behind-the-scenes photos have revealed the process of creating Ryan Connor’s prosthetic acid attack scars on Coronation Street

Complex: New photos taken on set have revealed the complex process of making the prosthetics, which were formed using a full face cast

Work in progress: Other photos show Ryan Prescott, who plays Ryan, with the cast and the rest of the team and close-ups of the scars

Ryan Prescott, who plays Ryan, said of the process of casting the full face, “It was kind of relaxing if I’m honest because I couldn’t hear or see much.

“It was like being in a little cocoon, it was nice!”

He explained that wearing the prosthetics was a way of thinking about why he’s doing the storyline.

The actor added, “Through my research for the storyline, I had spoken to countless people who have survived acid attacks who have actual facial injuries and it’s really nothing compared to what some people have experienced in real life.”

“The prosthetics remind me that I want to promote dialogue about what people go through in real life.”

Ryan revealed that he got used to wearing the prosthetics as he wore them for hours on end and barely noticed them.

A team of 15 people was trained to apply the make-up and he spent an hour each day on make-up while it was being applied.

Ryan is handed a mirror and observes his reflection on Wednesday night’s episode – only to discover that his wounds have not successfully healed.

This means he needs an urgent skin graft in a devastating blow to Ryan, whose injuries sustained when he jumped to the defense. of planned acid attack victim Daisy Midgeley.

Realistic: Ryan admitted he got used to wearing the prosthetics and occasionally forgot he had them on

Team: Other photos showed Ryan with the team. He admitted that 15 people had to be trained to fit the prosthetics

Talented: To make the prosthetics look as real as possible, the show teamed up with Emmy, BAFTA, and RTS Award-winning SFX artist Davy Jones and Makeup Prosthetics Supervisor Beks Scott

Ryan will flee the hospital as soon as possible.

After Daisy – who has vowed to visit him every day during his hospitalization – and Carla discover that Ryan and his backpack are gone, a search party is quickly organized.

The pair later find him in a traumatized state at a local train station, and Daisy privately admits that she can’t bring herself to tell her stricken boyfriend that Crystal wants nothing more to do with him.

Ryan was showered with acid after jumping between Daisy – the intended target – and her stalker, Justin Rutherford.

Hoping to protect Daisy, who was to be married that day, he was left writhing in pain after being hit with the corrosive liquid.

“For Ryan, I don’t think he expects it to be as bad as it is,” Ryan Prescott, who plays the character, said in a recent press release.

“He’s never seen any major burns so he doesn’t know what to expect and because he’s been wearing bandages for so long he gets into a little comfort zone just wearing the bandage.

“Once his facial injuries are revealed to him, it knocks out of him again. The first looks are heartbreaking.

“The first time he sees his face, he thinks, ‘I’ll never have love in my life again. I’m going to be the one people look at on the street.”

At that point, all those feelings he was trying to ignore come to the surface and he realizes that this is impossible to heal and it will seem like his burns weren’t there. ‘

He added: “It confirms to him that this will affect every aspect of the rest of his life, no matter what. ‘

Coronation Street continues on Wednesday 19 April at 8pm on ITV1.

Shock: Ryan is handed a mirror and observes his reflection on Wednesday night’s episode – only to discover that his wounds have not successfully healed

Sad: This means he needs an urgent skin graft in a devastating blow to Ryan, whose injuries sustained while defending planned acid attack victim Daisy Midgeley

Difficult: Ryan will flee the hospital as soon as possible when shock over his new appearance hits

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