Coronation order of service: Full list of hymns, music, prayers and readings revealed

The Procession of the King and Queen

Following the chorus, religious and Commonwealth leaders will enter Westminster Abbey with the anthem I Was Glad, a version of Psalm 122 set to music by Sir Hubert Parry, the composer of Jerusalem. Parry’s setting includes the cry “Vivat Rex!” (Long live the King!) which will be proclaimed by the scholars of Westminster School.

A moment of silent prayer

The royal couple take a moment to reflect and pay homage to God.

Greeting and introduction

The Archbishop of Canterbury welcomes the congregation with a blessing.

The recognition

This is the first element of the traditional English coronation rite in which the congregation affirms support for the king by exclaiming, “God Save King Charles.”

A representation of the Sovereign power, the Orb of the Sovereign is placed in the palm of the King

The presentation of the Holy Bible

A copy of the Bible is presented to the King, symbolically placing the “word of God” above all human laws. The moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland will tell the King: ‘Here is Wisdom; This is the royal law; These are the living Oracles of God.” This tradition goes back to the coronation of William III and Mary II in 1689.

The oaths

The oaths are vows to support people of all religions and beliefs. The archbishop asks Charles III if he is willing to take the oaths and “promise and swear to reign,” to which the king will reply, “I solemnly promise that I will.”

The King’s Prayer

The Monarch offers a specially curated prayer inspired by Galatians 5 and the beloved hymn I Vow To Thee My Country.


Another prayer, written especially for the coronation, on the theme of loving service.

The letter

Colossians 1 9:17

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will read from the first chapter of the Epistle (which translates as ‘letter’) to the Colossians.


Luke 4:16-21

The Gospel – derived from the Greek for ‘good news’ – is Saint Luke’s account of Jesus during worship in the synagogue.


This is an opportunity for the Archbishop to place the ceremony in a wider religious context and explain how the celebration’s themes relate to both the public and the monarch.

The anointing

As the king prepares to be anointed in the coronation chair, he removes the robes of state—signifying his humility before God.

The archbishop will anoint the king on his hands, chest and head. This sacred part of the ceremony takes place behind a screen and is not broadcast on TV.

Meanwhile, the choir sings Handel’s folk song Zadok The Priest, which he composed for the coronation of George II in 1727.

Since then it has been sung prior to the sovereign’s anointing at the coronation of every British monarch.

The presentation of regalia

Colleagues from the House of Lords and senior Anglican bishops will present various symbols of royalty. Non-Christian peers will present regalia that bear no explicit Christian motifs, confirming the various religions that will serve under the king.

The globe

A representation of sovereign power, the sphere is placed in the king’s palm.

The Sovereign’s Ring 1831 is composed of a mixed-cut octagonal sapphire in a gold setting covered with four rectangular-cut and one square-cut rubies

The ring

Like rings exchanged in a wedding ceremony, the coronation ring is a symbol of the monarch’s promise and devotion to God. The archbishop will tell King Charles that the ring represents “the covenant sworn this day between God and king, king and people.”

The scepter and staff

Another piece of regalia loaded with meaning, the scepter represents temporal power and authority. The Rod of Equity and Mercy represents the spiritual role of the Monarch and his pastoral concern for the people.

The coronation

St. Edward’s Crown (made in 1661), made of solid gold and set with precious stones, represents the king’s calling before God and is a reminder of the promises and vows he made to the people.

While crowning the King, the Archbishop will lead the congregation in chanting ‘God Save the King!’ — a faithful exclamation that has been part of the coronation rite since 1689.


Richard Strauss’s famous Vienna Philharmonic will follow the coronation and then the abbey bells will ring for two minutes, followed by a gun salute fired by The King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery and all saluting stations throughout the kingdom, including in Bermuda, Gibraltar and on ships at sea.

The blessing

The archbishop and other Christian leaders will give the blessing. It is the first time the blessing has been shared by clergy of different denominations – a reflection of Britain’s ecumenical progress.

Put the king on the throne

The king sits on the throne, while the archbishop commands him to “stand firm and hold fast henceforth to this seat of royal dignity, which is yours by the authority of Almighty God”—a phrase that dates back to the coronation from King Edgar in 959.


The Church of England, followed by Prince William, pays tribute to the king. This is then followed by a new tradition: the opportunity for the public to swear their ‘true allegiance’ to the Monarch and his heirs. A chorus of millions will participate – from members of the congregation and subjects on the street outside to people all over the country – in this solemn and joyful moment.

Coronation of the Queen

In a shorter order than the King’s, Queen Camilla has her own coronation, which begins with a brief anointing.

The last sovereign consort to be crowned was the late Queen Mother in 1937. It is an honor bestowed only on female consorts, which is why His Royal Highness Prince Philip had no such ceremony.

The coronation

Queen Mary’s Crown is placed on her head. The crown is embellished with jewels from Her Majesty’s personal collection, including the Cullinan III, IV and V diamonds.

Putting the queen on the throne

Camilla sits next to the king, symbolizing their collective calling to God. This is followed by a major musical moment as the choir sings Andrew Lloyd Webber’s coronation anthem, Make A Joyful Noise, as the King and Queen are united in their common calling. This setting of verses from Psalm 98 was commissioned for this service.

The sovereign’s scepter with cross has been used at every coronation since that of Charles II in 1661

Offertory hymn

Gifts of bread and wine are brought before the king.

Eucharistic prayer

This prayer recalls the words of Jesus during the Last Supper.


With words dating back to the fifth century, the Sanctus will be sung to music composed by Roxanna Panufnik, a British composer of Polish descent, one of the king’s 12 commissions before the coronation.

The Our Father

The Archbishop will invite everyone to pray with him, wherever they are, in whatever language they want. The Lord’s Prayer was Jesus’ gift to his followers when they asked how to pray.

Prayer after communion

This prayer, taken from the Book Of Common Prayer, asks God to lead us in His holy ways.

The final blessing

The Archbishop of Canterbury leads a final benediction, praying, “Christ our king, make thyself faithful and strong to do his will, that thou mayest reign with him in glory.”

Te Deum

This Latin hymn dates back to the 4th century and is also called The Hymn Of The Church. It is sung as Their Majesties proceed to St. Edward’s Chapel to wear the Robes of Estate and Charles puts on the Imperial State Crown.

The term ‘Imperial State Crown’ dates back to the 15th century, when English monarchs chose a crown closed by arches to show that England was not subject to any other earthly power.

The National anthem

God Save The King has been the national anthem for over 250 years. It is both a song and a prayer, invoking God to protect the Sovereign and ensure their wise rule. The eponymous phrase is much older than the song and appears several times in the King James Bible.

Greetings from faith leaders, representatives and the governor generals

In an unprecedented gesture that marks the significance of the religious diversity of the realms, the Sovereign will spend his last moments in the abbey and receive a greeting from the leaders and representatives of the major non-Christian faith traditions: Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim and Buddhist.

In a historic first, the entire coronation will be recorded and released as an album on the day of the ceremony.

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