Corio garden shed fire: Tragedy as four-year-old boy who heroically tried to save his three siblings from blaze dies in hospital

A four-year-old boy who tried to protect his brothers and sisters from a devastating barn fire has died in hospital.

Isaac McGregor was playing in the garden shed with his sisters Mavis, six, and Ashlynn, 18 months, and his three-year-old brother Saige, at their family’s home in Corio, southwest of Melbourne, on Saturday morning when a sofa seized up. firework.

His mother Jasmine Beck, 26, ran outside and tried to move the couch and save all four children.

She found Isaac, her eldest son, using his small body to protect his brother and sister from the flames.

Sadly, Saige and Ashlynn died on the spot. Isaac and Mavis were taken to the Royal Children’s Hospital in a critical condition, accompanied by their father Kane McGregor.

They were placed in intensive care with life-threatening burns covering about 80 percent of their bodies.

A good friend confirmed this on Wednesday GoFundMe that Isaac “grew his wings and reunited with his brother and sister.”

A Victoria Police spokeswoman confirmed the tragic news.

Isaac McGregor tried to protect his little brothers and sisters from a devastating barn fire. He died in hospital on Wednesday

Isaac McGregor (right) tried to save the lives of his little siblings, Saige (left) and Ashlynn (center)

Pictured: The barn where two children, Ashlynn and Saige, died Sunday morning. Two were seriously injured

“He will always be remembered as the heroic young boy who gave his life in an effort to protect his brothers and sisters,” the update said.

‘We thank everyone very much from the bottom of our hearts for all the donations and support. This community is absolutely incredible.”

His death came just hours after his father, Mr McGregor, told television reporters he “couldn’t be more proud” of his eldest son.

“She (Ms. Beck) said that when she finally moved the couch and grabbed Mavis first, Isaac held the other two under him so they didn’t burn, as if he were staying there until he himself died,” he told reporters on Tuesday . .

“They revived him and transferred him (to the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne).

“Actually, I couldn’t be more proud of him.”

Jasmine Beck is pictured with her four children: Mavis, six, Isaac, five, Saige, three, and Ashlynn, 18 months. Three are now dead

Kane McGregor’s youngest children (pictured) – Saige, three, and Ashlynn, 18 months – died when a sofa caught fire

The father, choking back tears, added: “What four-year-old crawls over their two little brothers and sisters?”

Mr McGregor was not at home at the time of the accident.

“As I was leaving, Isaac came up to me and gave me a hug and a kiss,” he said.

“An hour later I get a phone call… I haven’t even finished it yet, I’m just here with the other two.”

Victoria Police said Monday afternoon that detectives from the Arson and Explosives Squad are investigating the incident. They continue to treat it as non-suspicious.

Police Inspector Emma Bartel said on Sunday that neighbors tried to rescue the children before emergency services arrived.

A report will be prepared for the coroner.

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