Cops show up at the doorstep of controversial vegan activist Tash Peterson on Christmas Day and arrest her over another wild stunt

Vegan activist Tash Peterson has been arrested after a tense standoff with police outside the home where she spent Christmas Day.

A video posted by Ms Peterson on Monday shows a male Western Australian officer talking to her through the screen door at the front of a house as an argument breaks out over whether police can enter the house without a warrant.

Ms Peterson is told she is being arrested on suspicion of criminal damage over a Sunday protest at a butcher in a Perth shopping center where she posted a video of herself pouring fake blood on a glass display case of meat.

Vegan activist Tash Peterson posted a video of a tense confrontation with police who showed up to arrest her on Christmas Day

The officers ask for the white T-shirt she wore during the incident to use as evidence, but this leads to debate over whether the officers can enter the house to search for the item without a warrant.

An older woman tells the officer it's her house and they can't come in unless they have a warrant.

“We have the authority to go in and search for it (the shirt) where a suspect has been arrested,” the officer said.

“We come in and look for it. I have asked for your permission, but if you do not agree, we will still come and search.

“I'd appreciate it if you come grab it and we'll get out of your way.”

Ultimately, the garment, with an image of a pig in a slaughterhouse under the slogan 'End this Holocaust', is removed from the interior.

The video shows Ms. Peterson being patted down by a female officer before climbing into the backseat of an unmarked police vehicle.

After the white T-shirt the police were looking for is finally given to them, Mrs. Peterson is patted down and put into an unmarked police vehicle.

“The saddest thing about this arrest is that they confiscated my new shirt!!,” Ms. Peterson wrote in a Facebook post accompanying the video.

'The result of yesterday's protest is one charge of 'criminal damage' (although the fake blood on stage is not permanent and can be easily washed away, they gave me this charge anyway) and one charge of 'disorderly conduct'.

“The court appearance is on January 8.”

The protest, which was filmed by Ms Peterson's staff, involved pouring fake blood over the glass counter of the Tenderwest Meats butchers in the eastern Perth Belmont Forum Shopping Centre.

After the scarlet liquid is poured from a drinks container, Mrs. Peterson and her supporters become involved in a series of battles and skirmishes with Tenderwest staff and passers-by.

The arrest came following a protest at a butcher's shop in a Perth shopping center where Ms Peterson poured fake blood over the glass display case

Ms. Peterson posted a video of the incident on Saturday, with the caption: “Stop celebrating Christmas with a holocaust.”

Before the protest, Ms. Peterson gives a speech to the camera.

“These are the victims of your Christmas meal, your daily choices end this holocaust and end animal slavery by living vegan,” she says, pointing to the pig on her shirt.

'This is my Christmas message for everyone. If you are not vegan, you are responsible for the greatest holocaust in history: the animal holocaust.”

In June, Ms Peterson was banned from entering venues where alcohol is served for 12 months after becoming involved in an ongoing feud with British celebrity chef John Mountain at his Perth restaurant Fyre.

After she poured the fake blood, a series of fights ensued between Mrs. Peterson, the butcher's staff, and members of the general public.

After becoming annoyed with a customer, Mr. Mountain banned vegans from his restaurant, prompting Ms. Peterson to protest outside his location, where she disturbed guests by playing loud sounds of pigs squealing while shouting about the “animal apocalypse” '.

This led to scuffles between her and her supporters with Mr Mountain, his staff and other members of the general public.

The confrontation became international news when British talk show host Piers Morgan brought Ms. Peterson onto his show for a confrontational interview.

Western Australian Police have been contacted for comment.

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