Cops discover dodgy detail on number plates after NSW driver is allegedly caught speeding

A dodgy detail was discovered on a series of license plates after police stopped a driver for allegedly speeding.

The 24-year-old was caught driving 120km/h in a 100km/h zone along the M5 highway near Revesby, in Sydney’s south-west, at 9.55pm on Sunday.

Police soon realized that the car’s license plates had been tampered with.

Black ink from a pen was scrawled across them, while the plates contained a combination of false numbers and made-up letters.

Police also discovered the man’s license had been revoked after he allegedly failed a drug test in Bateman’s Bay, on the NSW south coast, hours earlier at 2.30pm.

A dodgy detail was discovered on a series of license plates after police stopped a driver for allegedly speeding

The officers administered another drug test before it reportedly returned a positive result.

They then searched the man and his vehicle and found a resealable bag that allegedly contained drugs.

The driver was arrested and taken to Bankstown police station, but officers suspected he was hiding something.

The police searched the man again and found a resealable bag in his rectum, which also allegedly contained drugs.

He was charged with exceeding the speed limit, driving with altered number plates, breaching bail conditions, driving while prohibited (suspended) and possession of prohibited drugs.

He will head up Bankstown Court House at a later date.

Police searched the man and his vehicle and found a resealable bag believed to contain drugs

Police searched the man and his vehicle and found a resealable bag believed to contain drugs

The driver was charged with exceeding the speed limit, driving with altered number plates, breaching bail conditions, driving while banned (suspended) and possession of prohibited drugs.

The driver was charged with exceeding the speed limit, driving with altered number plates, breaching bail conditions, driving while banned (suspended) and possession of prohibited drugs.

NSW drivers can be fined up to $3,300 for driving with a suspended license and could be jailed for up to a year.

Motorists are not allowed to carry drugs or consume the substance.

The maximum penalty for the violation is a $3,300 fine and they could lose their driver’s license permanently.