Control yourself! Research shows that users of takeaway apps such as Deliveroo and Just Eat are more likely to be obese

Research has shown that people who use takeaway apps such as Deliveroo and Just Eat are more likely to be obese.

People who use the food apps are 84 percent more likely to be obese, academics from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine found.

By analysing data from households in London and the North of England, the team found that ‘unskilled’ workers are more likely to use takeaway apps.

Higher-income families were more likely to have their groceries delivered by Tesco, Asda, Morrisons, Ocado, Sainsbury’s and Waitrose than lower-income families, The Times was first to report.

The researchers said: ‘There was a positive association between the use of food delivery apps and living with obesity.

People who use takeaway apps such as Deliveroo and Just Eat are more likely to be obese, a study has found (Stock Photo)

People who use takeaway apps like Deliveroo are 84 percent more likely to be obese, research shows (Stock Photo)

People who use takeaway apps like Deliveroo are 84 percent more likely to be obese, research shows (Stock Photo)

‘The potential impact of increased and differentiated use of online delivery services on diet and dietary inequality warrants further investigation.’

The research was published in the journal BMJ Public Health.

A major new study has found that the average obese Briton costs the health service at least £1,000 in healthcare costs each year.

People considered very obese, with a BMI of over 40, cost the NHS around £5,000 per person due to health problems related to their weight.

Research by Lane, Clark & ​​Peacock (LCP) shows that the problem appears to be getting worse over time.

The average annual cost of treating the most severely obese Britons rose from £1,300 in 2015 to £1,900 in 2019, the latest year of the survey.

It is thought that this is because people live longer due to better treatment methods and therefore need care for longer.

There is a lot of evidence that obesity can increase the risk of a number of life-limiting conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and several forms of cancer.