Consumer report blames Nintendo Switch Joy-Con drift on ‘design flaw’


A report from the consumer choice publication Which? shares findings that could prove your Joy-Con’s drifting is due to a “design flaw” in manufacturing, not because you’ve been banging it too much.

According to a survey by Which? problems with the Nintendo Switch’s Joy-Con controllers are the result of a flawed design. Eurogamer (opens in new tab) cites the consumer magazine’s discovery that the Joy-Con’s “plastic circuit boards showed noticeable wear on the joystick slide contacts” despite having been used for only a few months. This means it might not be your gritty style of gameplay and button-popping that’s causing your analog sticks to suffer.

I feel vindicated on behalf of my nephew, whose mother has repeatedly berated him for breaking his Switch controllers way too easily. This report from Which? could be proof that it isn’t his fault after all.

Mario Odyssey is played on a Nintendo Switch system

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

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