Connecticut socialite walks free after serving less than half her sentence for filming naked children


A Connecticut socialite who was jailed for secretly recording three minors in her $10 million mansion is now free.

Hadley Palmer, 54, was sentenced in November to one year in prison and 20 years probation after pleading guilty to three counts of voyeurism and endangerment of a minor.

But he has since entered a transition supervision program and been granted early release, officials with the state Department of Corrections said. daily beast.

Under the program, which is similar to probation, inmates with sentences of two years or less can serve the remainder of their sentences in a halfway house or with a sponsor.

As a result, Palmer has served less than half of his one-year sentence behind bars, between his 90-day jail term last spring and the 71 days he completed this winter.

Hadley Palmer, 54, of Belle Haven, was sentenced to one year in prison, 10 years on the sex offender registry and 20 years probation after pleading guilty in January.

But he had served less than half of his sentence behind bars at the York Correctional Institute (pictured)

But he had served less than half of his sentence behind bars at the York Correctional Institute (pictured)

Palmer, a mother of four, was arrested in October 2021 on charges including employing a minor in an obscene performance and second-degree child pornography.

Greenwich police claimed in charging documents that he filmed three minors without their knowledge at his $10 million Belle Haven mansion for his own sexual gratification in 2017 and 2018, noting that one of the victims was 15 or younger. .

Not much was revealed about the allegations made against Palmer, as he immediately applied for what’s called ‘expedited rehabilitation,’ a type of probation program whereby defendants charged with misdemeanors can have your file sealed.

It is a program reserved for first time offenders. It can be applied to those charged with Class C felonies, but only with ‘good cause’.

Palmer granted it, and therefore the file was kept secret.

Authorities had said more serious charges were also on the table, but she reached a plea deal in January 2022, which convicted her of just three counts of voyeurism and one count of endangerment or injury to a minor.

The higher charges of employing a minor in an obscene performance and possession of child pornography were dropped under the settlement, in which the hedge fund manager’s daughter pleaded guilty to “knowingly photographing, filming and recording three people” in 2017 and 2018 without their knowledge.

As part of that plea agreement, she agreed to serve an initial sentence of 90 days at York Correctional Facility, the state’s only facility for female prisoners before her November sentencing.

Palmer pleaded guilty to three counts of voyeurism and endangerment of a minor

Palmer pleaded guilty to three counts of voyeurism and endangerment of a minor

Authorities said he had filmed three minors naked or without clothes at his $10 million beachfront home (pictured)

Authorities said he had filmed three minors naked or without clothes at his $10 million beachfront home (pictured)

At his sentencing hearing in November, state attorney Paul Fereneck revealed that he filmed the victims stripped and sometimes completely naked at their beachfront home, and shared the footage with an unidentified third party.

Palmer had faced up to five years behind bars, but Stamford Superior Court Judge John Blawie, who sealed his case to protect the victims, ordered him to serve just one year in prison with 20 years probation.

You will also be required to register as a sex offender for the next 10 years.

Palmer’s lawyer, Michael Meehan, who called the mother of four “very caring.” [and] loving’, said the sentence was fair and that she was ‘taking responsibility for her actions’.

He Stamford Lawyer he later revealed that the victims in the case had asked that Palmer not serve any more jail time.

Palmer was well known within Connecticut's high-level social circles.  He is pictured with socialite Colleen deVeer and her now-ex-husband Brad Palmer.

Palmer was well known within Connecticut’s high-level social circles. He is pictured with socialite Colleen deVeer and her now-ex-husband Brad Palmer.

She is pictured here at another benefit in 2016 with Randall Sandler, Liz Sandler, and her ex-husband.

She is pictured here at another benefit in 2016 with Randall Sandler, Liz Sandler, and her ex-husband.

At his sentencing hearing in November, Michael Meehan (pictured leaving court in an orange tie) called the mother of four

At her sentencing hearing in November, Michael Meehan (pictured leaving court wearing an orange tie) called the mother of four “very caring.” [and] affectionate’

Many details surrounding his case have been sealed, with critics calling the move unusual and outlets including the Associated Press publicly condemning the move.

AP argued that the records could have been redacted or the names of the children changed, as is typical in state sex crime cases, so that the documents are open to the public.

Legal experts also told the outlet at the time that it was a highly unusual move for her file to be immediately sealed, with many saying she didn’t even qualify for expedited reinstatement.

They demanded to know why he was able to hide from public view, when other defendants have not, raising questions about whether wealthy defendants are treated differently from others.

But acquaintances told the Daily Beast they believe there is more to the story and are happy Palmer has been released.

“I think it’s great,” commented an unnamed socialite, adding of the allegations against her: “On the surface, it’s one thing, and when you meet someone it’s another.

“Please let her know that there are many people who believe in her and saw the story for what it was,” the unnamed source said.

The hedge fund manager's daughter pleaded guilty to 'knowingly photographing, filming and recording three people' in 2017 and 2018 without their knowledge at her Belle Haven mansion.

The hedge fund manager’s daughter pleaded guilty to ‘knowingly photographing, filming and recording three people’ in 2017 and 2018 without their knowledge at her Belle Haven mansion.

$10 million waterfront home offers lots of natural light with beautiful views of Long Island Sound

$10 million waterfront home offers lots of natural light with beautiful views of Long Island Sound

Many have wondered if her venture capitalist husband, Bradley, exposed what his wife did to police after divorce papers revealed he searched her social media for evidence that she had been romantically or sexually involved with someone.

Divorce records indicated that the wealthy financier had grown suspicious of Palmer.

He filed a motion in July to obtain his social media accounts, along with any videos or photos he has sent to anyone with whom he had a romantic or sexual relationship, according to a February report. The New York Times.

In the family court proceedings, the Daily Beast reports, Palmer repeatedly invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in response to Brad’s discovery request, which included copies of “photographs, video and audio recordings sent or received from any person with whom you have had a sexual or sentimental relationship, either in person or only at a distance.’

He also objected to a request for “all reports by private investigators or other surveillance” relating to his “spouse or any children of the marriage.”

In turn, Palmer’s attorneys requested files on “background checks, surveillance, or other services from any and all private investigations, police officers, or investigative services purchased by or on behalf of you.”

Divorce proceedings, in which both Hadley and Brad are seeking custody of their minor child, are ongoing.

Many have questioned whether her ex-husband, Brad, secretly turned Hadley over to the authorities when his arrest came amid a contested divorce proceeding.

Many have questioned whether her ex-husband, Brad, secretly turned Hadley over to the authorities when his arrest came amid a contested divorce proceeding.

Palmer is shown at an event in 2018 with her daughter Katherine.  She has four children with her husband separated from her, one of them a minor.

Palmer is shown at an event in 2018 with her daughter Katherine. She has four children with her husband separated from her, one of them a minor.

In court papers from last month, the Daily Beast reports, Palmer’s divorce lawyers revealed her early release date in a motion to postpone a scheduled status conference so she could participate in person.

They noted that their client would be released on or before March 1. Her deadline for release is now Aug. 20, “assuming she doesn’t get arrested again, that she doesn’t violate her conditions,” public information officer Andrius Banevicius said.

Under his release, Palmer must abstain from drugs and alcohol and cannot leave the state unless he receives permission to do so.