Confused Donald Trump, 77, tells New Hampshire rally Barack Obama is president despite nicknaming Biden ‘Sleepy Joe’

A confused Donald Trump made a blunder at a rally in New Hampshire last weekend when he called Barack Obama the current president of the United States.

Trump, 77, made the mistake on stage — despite continually calling his 2020 rival “Sleepy Joe” for his embarrassing public mistakes.

On Saturday, Trump gave a speech in Claremont, New Hampshire, where he said Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban called on “President Obama” to resign and be “replaced by Trump.”

This despite the fact that Obama has not been in power since 2016.

Trump told the crowd: “The head of Hungary, Viktor Orban, very powerful inside his country and abroad, they interviewed him two weeks ago and said, what would President Obama advise?

A confused Donald Trump made a blunder at a rally in New Hampshire last weekend when he called Barack Obama the current president. Trump, 77, made the mistake on stage – despite continually nicknamed President Biden, 80, ‘Sleepy Joe’ for his public mistakes

‘The whole world seems to explode and implode. He said: “It’s very simple: he must resign immediately and be replaced by President Trump, who has kept the world safe.”

He also wrongly called Orbán the “leader of Turkey.”

It is not the first time in recent weeks that Donald Trump has made a mistake on stage. When he spoke in Iowa last month, he greeted his audience in Sioux City with the wrong name.

He named the location “Sioux Falls,” which is actually a city in South Dakota.

“I always say we’re going to win Iowa. My people said you can’t assume that,” Trump told his audience at the ornate Orpheum Theater in Sioux City, Iowa.

“Iowa is absolutely not voting against Trump,” he said, noting the economic benefits to farm states from the tariffs his administration imposed on China.

Trump is currently the Republican front-runner for the 2024 presidential nomination – and has banked on the fact that Joe Biden’s age, 80, has made him accident-prone in recent years.

Biden has had his fair share of public stumbles, falls and mix-ups. His nickname, Sleepy Joe, was originally coined by Trump in 2019 after a series of videos surfaced of Biden falling asleep during meetings and interviews.

On September 20, the ailing Biden appeared to produce blunder after blunder as he stood on the UN podium next to Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

Former President Barack Obama and U.S. President Joe Biden shake hands in the East Room of the White House on April 5, 2022

Former President Barack Obama and U.S. President Joe Biden shake hands in the East Room of the White House on April 5, 2022

Biden bumped into the Brazilian flag, marking his first blunder, within seconds of appearing on stage at the major UN meeting in New York City in September

Biden bumped into the Brazilian flag, marking his first blunder, within seconds of appearing on stage at the major UN meeting in New York City in September

Lula da Silva, 77, appeared visibly irritated after the two leaders shared a stage to speak about their initiative to improve workers’ rights in each country – as Biden walked away without shaking his hand.

Their diplomatic meeting got off to a rocky start when Biden, 80, shuffled into a two-metre-tall Brazilian flag, causing it to wobble as he approached the stage.

The president gave a lengthy speech about his “economic vision to rebuild our economy from the center and bottom up, not top down,” as Lula watched from his right flank.

Meanwhile, during Lula’s speech, Biden fumbled with his headphones, which he used to hear a translated version.

“Can you hear me, President Biden? This is a historic moment for Brazil and for the US,” Lula said at the start of his speech. Biden fumbled with the headgear and then dropped it to the ground.

On September 22, the president made another public gaffe when all eyes were on him during a keynote speech in Washington, DC.

Biden falsely praised the “Congressional Black Caucus” during a speech to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.

The 80-year-old made the blunder during a speech at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute’s 46th annual gala.

Meanwhile, Trump promised the crowd on Saturday that he would win the New Hampshire primary for the third time in a row.

“We are going to crush corrupt Joe Biden. He’s a crooked man. next November and we’re going to make America great again,” he said. “We have no choice, we have to.”

He also boasted about his endorsements and lashed out at Republican rival Ron DeSantis.

“We’ve had a lot of expressions of support in New Hampshire, almost everyone supports us,” Trump said.

“Now they come and the money is flowing and all these financiers said maybe we would support someone else with our money.

“All of a sudden they call and say, ‘President, president, hello.’

“I said, ‘I thought you were going to be DeSanctimonious,’ they say, ‘No way sir, I’ll give you whatever you want.'”

Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Hunter Biden talk during a college basketball game between Georgetown Hoyas and the Duke Blue Devils on January 30, 2010

Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Hunter Biden talk during a college basketball game between Georgetown Hoyas and the Duke Blue Devils on January 30, 2010

But Trump’s gaffe about “President Obama” was dismissed by commentators.

CNN host Jim Acosta said, “Trump has had a lot of these mistakes and mental errors. Just doing things wrong.

“Some of his recent rallies, he did one earlier this week where he was in Hialeah while they were having that debate in Miami.

‘We talked about Kim Jong-un being in charge of a country with 1.4 billion inhabitants. That was clearly a verbal mistake, a mental mistake.”

Political commentator Larry Sabato said, “Good luck to his opponents in the Republican Party, because the base, the Trump base, which is the bulk of the Republican base, is not listening to any criticism of Trump.

‘They don’t care, even if they think it’s right, but it is important. Perhaps the press releases should be more balanced.

“If President Biden’s age and the questions about his so-called mental acuity or race may be exactly the same, that should be mentioned for Donald Trump.

‘I think that would be fair. And I have to say, Jim, I just hope President Putin’s feelings aren’t hurt by the good things Trump said about Orban. You know, I hope he doesn’t turn dictator here.’