Communication coach goes viral with brutally honest explanation of ‘toxic mother-in-law math’ – as she exposes the most manipulative behaviors women suffer at the hands of their partners’ moms

A confidence and communication coach has thrown ‘toxic mother-in-law math’ into the equation – after boys and girls’ maths went viral on TikTok.

Janelle Riddell is a mother of two from Canada who regularly gives women advice on how to set boundaries with their mother-in-law, despite not sharing any information about her own relationship with her husband’s mother.

Most recently, the engineer took to TikTok to share her take on the latest trend on the video-sharing platform, where people discuss various “math” equations — including math between boys and girls — in an attempt to justify less-than-positive behavior. .

In a viral video, which has been viewed more than 871,000 times to date, Janelle dissected the “math” of a mother-in-law regularly slapping her daughter-in-law.

Janelle Marie is a confidence and communication coach who threw ‘toxic mother-in-law math’ into the equation after boys’ and girls’ math went viral on TikTok

In a viral video that has been viewed more than 871,000 times to date, Janelle broke down the math that shows a mother-in-law regularly slaps her daughter-in-law.

At the beginning of the clip, she said, “We’ve seen girl math, we’ve seen boy math, we’ve seen mother math, but now we’re going to do toxic mother-in-law math.” ‘

The mother of two then started firing off examples of what ‘toxic’ mothers-in-law can do.

“Toxic math for mothers-in-law is having four or five grandchildren, deciding one of them is your favorite and making sure everyone knows it loud and clear,” she explained.

And during the holidays, Janelle says, mothers-in-law are the most toxic.

She explained, “Toxic math for mothers-in-law is knowing that your married adult child has two or more family gatherings to attend and deciding that yours is the most important.”

Janelle then noted that unhealthy mothers-in-law will also blame their son’s wife for every decision they make, and assume that she alone decided how to raise their children.

“The best part of it all is that you don’t understand how talking mean about your daughter-in-law and being mean to your daughter-in-law doesn’t actually equate to her wanting to spend a lot of time together. with you.

“And one variable in that equation is that her husband, your child, may not spend a lot of time with you as a result,” she said at the end of her video.

The mum-of-two then started giving examples of what ‘toxic’ mothers-in-law can do – explaining that they are at their worst during the holidays

Janelle’s video seemed to resonate with many daughters-in-law, as people online flooded the comments section with laments about their partner’s mother.

One person said: ‘Toxic mother-in-law maths when they think they should come before their son’s wife. And he has to drop everything when they call and need help.”

Someone else wrote: ‘Mother-in-law math thinks there’s a conspiracy to make Mil the bad guy in every situation. they do it all alone.’

“Toxic mother-in-law math means blaming your daughter-in-law for the fact that her son chooses not to call, text, get gifts, etc., instead of taking the hint that it is in fact her child,” said one user.

One user added: ‘Exactly, I wish I could post again without booting issues.’

Janelle, who has never publicly discussed her relationship with her husband’s mother, is an engineer who runs a side business that helps women deal with toxic mothers-in-law.

Janelle’s video seemed to affect many daughters-in-law as people flooded the comments section online complaining about their partner’s mother

On her websiteshe notes that she wants to help others “feel empowered to set boundaries, communicate clearly, and feel good about their relationship with their in-laws — even if that means no relationship.”

Speak with Todayshe noted that she had “no idea” that so many people would resonate with her video.

She told the outlet, “Relationships are a two-way street. But if you destroy the road, you cannot expect your daughter-in-law to cover that road. And you can’t expect your daughter-in-law to be solely responsible for repairing the road. You have to rebuild it together.’

Janelle also revealed that it’s much easier when you have your husband’s support.

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