Comedians Joel Creasey and Rhys Nicholson delight audiences at their Family Christmas show at Sydney’s Enmore Theatre

Joel Creasey and Rhys Nicholson took to the stage for their new show on Saturday evening.

The comedians joined forces for Rhys & Joel's Family Christmas at Sydney's Enmore Theater and wowed the crowd.

“Join your favorite drunk aunts as they host a gay extravaganza featuring some of their favorite comedians, musicians and who knows, maybe some members of the clergy?” there is a description for the show online.

TV and radio star Joel, 33, opted for a green Christmas jumper emblazoned with 'Ho Ho Ho' and a gold headband.

RuPaul's Drag Race Downunder star Rhys, also 33, was also dressed in a festive jumper and carried a number of small gift boxes on his head.

Joel Creasey and Rhys Nicholson took to the stage for their new show on Saturday evening. Both shown

The comedians joined forces for Rhys & Joel's Family Christmas at Sydney's Enmore Theater and had the audience in stitches

It comes after Joel backlashed over being branded a 'left-wing lunatic' label.

The comedian, 33, was questioned by The Australian on Monday, where he took offense to the label.

'People think I'm a left-wing lunatic. “I don't know if that's because I was a presenter on The Project or because I campaigned for marriage equality,” he said.

Far from woke, Joel explained that he deliberately doesn't bring politics into his performances or his Nova radio show.

“Join your favorite drunk aunts as they host a gay extravaganza featuring some of their favorite comedians, musicians and who knows, maybe some members of the clergy?” there is a description for the show online

TV and radio star Joel, 33, opted for a green Christmas jumper with the text 'Ho Ho Ho' and a gold headband

“If you drive home and listen to my radio show, you don't want to be taught.” he said/

“My job is to make you laugh and give you a little vacation from life,” Joel added.

He ended by saying that he finds it foolish when people call him a “leftist” as he is apolitical in his views.

'I find it funny when people call me left-handed; I never share my political views because I'm too stupid to have them,” he finished.

RuPaul's Drag Race Downunder star Rhys, also 33, was also dressed in a festive jumper and carried a number of small gift boxes on his head

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