Collingwood denies star is involved in bathroom sex tape

Collingwood has denied rumors that one of its players featured in an explicit viral video.

The X-rated images show a man and a woman performing a sex act in a bathroom.

The club says there is no link between the video and any member of the club – and denies allegations that the video was filmed by another player.

It also told fans to stop sharing the clip online.

Collingwood has denied rumors that one of its players featured in an explicit viral video

Collingwood has denied rumors that one of its players featured in an explicit viral video

“We are aware of a video currently circulating which claims to involve a Collingwood player and his partner. Another former Collingwood player has been linked to the video capture,” Collingwood CEO Craig Kelly said.

“The club would like to address the matter to make it clear that both allegations are completely untrue and that the video being circulated does NOT involve any current or former Collingwood players or their partners.

‘It is important for all members of the public to realize that distributing explicit content without the consent of all parties involved is a criminal offence.

“We will continue to support all our players and their families during this time.”