CNN’s Van Jones says slams the idea of re-electing Joe Biden, 80 and says: ‘Would you give this grandpa a high-stress job for six more years?’

American voters are concerned about Joe Biden’s re-election because it would be like “giving grandpa a stressful job for another six years,” a CNN political commentator said Thursday.

Jones, who worked in the Obama White House when Biden was vice president, was asked about a new CNN poll in which Biden is neck and neck with all Republican challengers except Nikki Haley, who beats him.

Jones said Biden’s low approval rating of just 39 percent reflected concerns about his increasing years.

“They’re worried about Joe Biden,” Jones said of the voters.

“Joe Biden is like that grandpa that you love, that you believe in.”

“But you start to wonder, you know, would you give this grandpa a stressful job for another six years or would you want something else for him?”

CNN pundit Van Jones said Thursday that voters were concerned about Joe Biden’s age

A new CNN poll shows Biden trailing Trump, Pence, Scott, Ramaswamy, Christie and Haley and tied with DeSantis

Voters continue to express deep concerns about Biden and his age in particular.

The CNN poll shows that 73 percent are seriously concerned about his mental competence and 76 percent are concerned about his ability to serve out his four-year term if reelected.

Two-thirds of Democrats, or 67 percent, say the party should nominate someone other than Biden, up from 54 percent in March.

Both Biden and Trump are 35 percent favorable.

The poll comes as Biden prepares to fly to India for a gathering of world leaders at the G20 summit.

Jones noted that the election is still over a year away, and that the current low poll numbers “might be the low point for Joe Biden.”

But, Jones said, the improving economic data was not being felt by voters.

“It could go up as the economy improves, but right now the economy is getting better and the concerns about the economy are getting worse,” he said.

“As Democrats, we have to be honest that there is real pain at the grassroots of our party.

“People still don’t feel this (economic) policy, and we will have to make the case stronger.”

Jones was asked by co-host Poppy Harlow about former Obama aide Jim Messina, who told Politico Playbook that the Democrats were “damned bed-wetters” because they panicked about the election.

Jones said Messina was wrong and the polls should be taken seriously.

“If Jim Messina says we’re bed-wetters, invest in Pampers and Depends, because a lot of people are terrified that Joe Biden is really in trouble — and you can’t talk about it,” Jones said.

Biden is in close races with the entire GOP field, according to a new CNN poll. He follows Donald Trump by 1 percentage point, and Nikki Haley by 6 percentage points

Former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley leads attacks on Biden’s age. She has the largest lead over Biden of any potential Republican nominee

In the CNN poll, Biden narrowly trails Trump, the Republican frontrunner, 47 to 46.

That’s in line with polling averages like those from RealClearPolitics, with Biden ahead of Trump by 1 percentage point.

Other Republican contenders fare slightly better head-to-head, though those in charge, like Trump, fall within the poll’s 3.5 percent margin of error, suggesting a close race.

The exception is Haley, who leads Biden by 49 to 43 percent.

Haley, 51, leads attacks on Biden’s age and says the 80-year-old president is not fit and will not live until 2028.

Biden, at age 47, has bonded with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis; follows former Vice President Mike Pence from 46 to 44; and follows South Carolina Senator Tim Scott 46 to 44.

Newcomer and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy leads Biden from 46 to 45, and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie leads Biden from 44 to 42, in a poll of registered voters.

The differences are similar between those who vociferously defend Trump, such as Ramaswamy; DeSantis, who said he would consider pardoning the defendants on January 6; and Pence and Christie, who have criticized Trump for his election efforts.

Former President Donald Trump leads President Biden 47 to 46 in a new CNN poll

However, Haley is not performing well against fellow Republicans in the polls. It sits at just 6 percent of the RealClearPolitics average.

“We all know that Joe Biden thinks he’s going to run and win this election, and then hand the election over to President Kamala Harris,” Haley claimed. Fox news on Wednesday evening.

She said she would’stomp over Joe Biden in a matchup.

‘EEveryone really needs to know that it’s me running against Kamala Harris for the presidency,” she added.

Trump’s continued performance in the polls could undermine opponents who say he is not as eligible as them because of his multiple indictments and criminal trials.


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