Cloud security is set to be a major worry for all businesses – here’s why

If it isn’t already, cloud security is about to become every company’s biggest concern, according to a new report from Venafi.

Based on a global survey of 800 security and IT leaders from large organizations, Kubernetes is seen by 84% of respondents as the go-to application development platform. However, about 75% worry that the speed and complexity of Kubernetes and containers are creating new security blind spots. In fact, more than half (59%) of respondents who migrated to the cloud admitted they didn’t understand the risks facing their business.

Three-quarters (76%) also feel that the sector is in for a major reality check when it comes to the costs and security of cloud migrations. More than half of those who migrated apps without refactoring were shocked by the bill and subsequent cloud proliferation. As a result, 77% have completely reconsidered their migration.

Security issues

But there’s more to this story than just the cost and proliferation of cloud: more than half (59%) have experienced security incidents within Kubernetes or container environments. The most common incidents included network breaches, API vulnerabilities, and certificate misconfigurations.

Nearly a third (30%) of businesses that experienced such an incident said it led to a data breach or network compromise. Additionally, 33% were forced to delay an app launch, 32% had their app service disrupted, and 27% violated compliance laws.

Matt Barker, global head of cloud-native services at Venafi, believes we’re moving toward “everything running on cloud-native architecture,” but added that companies are “underestimating the work required to deliver efficiency and security ” and that they rush to get the job done.

“As organizations move more and more critical workloads to cloud-native environments, they must ensure they close these gaps or we will see even more breaches and outages.”

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