CIA whistleblower claims agency ‘bribed’ their OWN analysts to say COVID did NOT come from Wuhan: Bombshell Republican report exposes wider virus origins cover-up

CIA Whistleblower Claims Agency ‘Bribed’ Their OWN Analysts to Say COVID Did NOT Come from Wuhan: Bombshell Republican Report Exposes Wider Cover-Up on Virus Origins

A CIA whistleblower recently told Congress that the agency bribed its own analysts to say Covid-19 did not come from a laboratory in Wuhan, according to two Republicans.

The CIA has assigned seven agents to a Covid discovery team, according to a senior official in the current agency. At the end of their research, six out of seven believed that the intelligence indicated an uncertain assessment that Covid-19 originated in a laboratory.

The seventh member, the oldest of the team, believed it had evolved naturally. The other six were then given a “significant financial incentive to change their position,” the whistleblower said.

Reps. Mike Turner, R-Ohio, and Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, who lead the intelligence and Covid committees respectively, wrote a letter to CIA Director William Burns on Tuesday demanding all documents on the matter.

A CIA whistleblower recently told Congress that the agency bribed its own analysts to say Covid-19 did not come from a laboratory in Wuhan, according to two Republicans.

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