CHRISTIAN WHITON: Biden thinks Republican voters are fascists and borderline terrorists


Christian Whiton is a former senior advisor in the Trump and George W. Bush administrations.

President Joe Biden thinks millions of Americans are part fascist and borderline terrorists. It would be laughable if it weren’t so disturbing.

Having worn out the label of ‘racist,’ which Biden and his political allies have applied to just about any political opponent, the dotard president has moved on to new baseless and dangerous insults.

Last week, while campaigning amid stunningly negative poll ratings, Biden remarked in Maryland: ‘It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the — I’m going to say something — it’s like semi-fascism.’

That’s quite the rebuke of the tens of millions of Americans who voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020.

To compound matters, in a jaw-dropping White House press briefing on Wednesday, spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre appeared to up the ante as she previewed the president’s prime time address Thursday night, during which he’s expected to hammer these themes home.

‘The MAGA Republicans are the most energized part of the Republican Party,’ she haltingly read off prepared remarks. ‘That is an extreme threat to our democracy, to our freedom, to our rights. . . this is the most active base of the Republican Party.’

President Joe Biden thinks millions of Americans are part fascist and borderline terrorists.  To compound matters, spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre, in a jaw-dropping White House press briefing on Wednesday, appeared to up the ante

Let’s be clear: The White House isn’t calling lawmakers fascists and extremists — which is troubling enough — they’re talking about American citizens.

This is appalling.

No wonder 43% of US adults believe a civil war is likely within the next 10 years. Our president is essentially telling Americans that their neighbor may be the enemy.

This is clearly intentional. Why?

Well, having campaigned for president in 2020 as a uniter to ‘restore the soul of America,’ the politically floundering Biden has moved on to Phase Two — campaign for re-election in 2024 as a divider.

Remember when Biden tweeted, ‘It’s time to put away the harsh rhetoric, lower the temperature, and listen to each other again. To make progress, we must stop treating our opponents as our enemy. We are not enemies. We are Americans.’

We can laugh at this now – or cry.

If Biden believes nearly half the country is composed of racists and extremists, how on Earth is he going to represent their interests as president? 

Accusing opponents of fascism is just the latest and kookiest claim progressives have attempted to avoid disaster in congressional elections this November.

Unfortunately for them, voters have an elegant habit of firing whoever is in charge when the economy is bad, and out-of-control inflation tells them all they need to know.

But the sheer recklessness of these remarks can’t be understated. If Biden believes nearly half the country is composed of racists and extremists, how on Earth is he going to represent their interests as president?

Hillary Clinton branded Trump’s voters ‘deplorables,’ Biden is saying that they are worse.

What is to be done with all these fascists running amok in America? Throw them into some re-education camps?

Out of curiosity though, what would the modern adaption of fascism, which emerged in Germany, Japan, and Italy in the 1930s, look like in America?

Following their predecessors, modern fascists would certainly try to control speech, deeming reasonable topics off limits, and punishing those who don’t comply with the loss of livelihood.

Intransigent free spirits might be ‘canceled,’ if you will.

Fascists feel a need to redefine a nation’s history to suit radical political goals. Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini invoked the Roman Empire, even though it was irrelevant to 20th century Italy. Adolf Hitler pretended Germany would have won World War I had it not been stabbed in the back by its own politicians.

To change the country, modern fascists might seek to redefine the founding of America, from one that created the greatest impetus for expanding freedom in human history to a grubby one that was based on propagating slavery.

Modern fascists would take care to control the apparatus of state power, which, after all, has a monopoly on the legitimate use of force.

Certainly, they would want to transform the FBI’s Washington field office from an organization that pursues unambiguous spies, terrorists and violent predators into one that runs political errands by persecuting the opposition party.

Contemporary fascists would update their ancestors’ corporatism, which became even more pronounced in Germany after the ‘Night of Long Knives’ eliminated more socialist-leaning elements among the Nazis.

Instead of just having state agencies implement policies, they would have friends in dominant corporations do so.

They might call on companies like Google, Twitter and Facebook to ‘moderate’ criticism that was unhelpful to the regime and elevate the regime’s lies, such as fake claims of collusion between their opponents and foreign powers like Russia.

Of course, all of these fascists or ‘semi-fascist’ things aren’t just theoretical. They’ve each happened in recent years, directed by the people now accusing others of being fascist.

In so doing, they’re exhibiting yet another trait of fascists: accusing the opposition of exactly what you yourself are guilty of doing.

Will it work in scaring voters to support the incumbent team that has run the country into the ground?

In a word: no.

Voters in the midterm elections and the 2024 presidential contest will render a verdict on the reality they see in their lives. And that reality doesn’t reflect Biden’s cranky smears or fever dreams.

Biden will soon be gone, but the damage he’s doing to the fabric of our nation will be long-lasting.

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