Chinese agents are ‘targeting’ and harassing dissidents on American soil warns, top Republican: Hong Kong native living in the U.S. says she feels ‘hunted’ by Xi Jinping’s United Front

The top Republican opposing China's influence abroad is warning that the Chinese Communist Party's infiltration has led to bloodshed on U.S. soil.

Several recent egregious incidents will be investigated by the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) during a primetime hearing Wednesday on the CCP's “transnational repression” efforts.

The panel will feature two victims of the CCP attacks, including one who was singled out and harassed by communist agents a few weeks ago in San Francisco, California, during President Xi Jinping's participation in a summit.

Chairman Mike Gallagher, R-Wis., told in an exclusive statement ahead of the hearing that CCP agents are increasingly “targeting people on U.S. soil.”

Chinese agents are targeting and harassing dissidents on American soil

Pro-democracy protesters critical of Xi's human rights abuses and growing threats against Taiwan demonstrated outside the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in San Francisco, California in November

He recalled his first trip as chairman, which was a visit to the site of an illegal CCP police station in New York, where he heard “horrific” stories of people being “physically attacked.” And he warned that there are reports showing that the CCP operates more than 100 of these sites worldwide.

“America should be a haven from persecution, not a hunting ground for an authoritarian regime,” Gallagher told

“This is a global strategy to monitor, harass and ultimately export their model of total totalitarian control, not just within China's borders, but around the world. This should be very concerning to Americans. We must defend our sovereignty.”

Pro-democracy protesters critical of Xi's human rights abuses and growing threats against Taiwan demonstrated outside the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in San Francisco, California, in November.

A former Hong Kong resident, Anna Kwok, plans to tell the committee about her first-hand experiences as a victim of the CCP's transnational repression on US soil. She says this is evidence that the CCP's United Front network is growing in the United States.

She will say in prepared remarks, first obtained by, that because of her lobbying on Capitol Hill, she has been listed by the CCP for a $1 million bounty and an arrest warrant for “colluding with foreign forces '.

Kwok — who lives in D.C. — said she has since felt like she has a “courageous target on my back.”

“Though I was in the Land of the Free, I was not free; I was trapped in the constant mental pressure of being rushed. This was of course the CCP's goal: they wanted to cripple my advocacy initiatives against their regime,” she continues.

Kwok detailed horrific comments on her X profile, including threats and gender-based harassment.

She further said that during the APEC protests, her coalition of dissidents protested peacefully outside Xi's event venues. But they faced “intimidation, intimidation, stalking and even violent attacks by pro-Beijing protesters.”

In addition, “suspicious men” dressed like national security officers in Hong Kong followed them around, she said.

Kwok was “stunned” that the harassment took place in “broad daylight” in the United States.

The tension became especially heated after pro-CCP demonstrators clashed with those opposing Xi's visit — and especially his status as “guest of honor” at a swanky dinner with business and political leaders.

Pro-democracy protesters received a slew of threats via social media from Xi supporters warning they would face violence in San Francisco.

And there were reports that protest organizers were followed in the streets by “plainclothes officers” believed to be agents of the Chinese consulate.

According to the Human Rights in China (HRIC), more than 10 people suffered physical injuries and others were hospitalized.

Washington DC activist Anna Kwok has been designated a fugitive by Hong Kong police and a $1 million Hong Kong dollar bounty has been offered for her capture

Washington DC activist Anna Kwok has been designated a fugitive by Hong Kong police and a $1 million Hong Kong dollar bounty has been offered for her capture

Police line up as they monitor protesters outside the APEC summit on Wednesday

Police line up as they monitor protesters outside the APEC summit on Wednesday

“We will not allow genocide to be normalized,” one organizer said

“We will not allow genocide to be normalized,” one organizer said

The protesters chanted: 'Biden, Biden tells lies, you don't care if the planet dies'

The demonstrators chanted: 'Biden, Biden tells lies, you don't care if the planet dies'

Now President Joe Biden's Justice Department is facing demands for an investigation into Chinese Communist Party attacks on people protesting Jinping's visit to San Francisco last month.

In a letter obtained by last month, concerned lawmakers published reports of the attacks, which included protesters “confronted by Xi's supporters wielding (sic) metal bars, flagpoles, closed umbrellas and pepper spray.”

“This is just one of many examples of CCP attempts to intimidate, silence, and harm People's Republic of China (PRC) dissidents living in the United States,” the letter to the DOJ.