An ex-childcare educator has branded some parents ‘giant pains in the a***’ and revealed why she and other carers fear phone calls from many.
In a clip posted to TikTok last week, Kobe, “the controversial teacher,” said that certain parents tend to push teachers’ buttons, and that most employees are tired of their “s***.”
“Of course your teachers aren’t going to tell you that you’re a huge pain in the ass, but I’m here to do just that because I have no loyalty to anyone and I don’t. “doesn’t work for anyone,” she said.
Kobe said parents expect caregivers, who often care for large groups of toddlers and children, to spend their days monitoring their own children.
‘Parents complaining about all kinds of things: missing socks, losing things that aren’t labeled, how much they ate, how much they didn’t eat, the fact that their hat isn’t sitting properly on their head, not smiling in photos, not receiving updates every minute of the day or individual mail every day,” she said.
“The level of care these parents expect is basically a babysitter. If you want personal one-on-one care, that’s what a nanny is.”
Kobe said parents should “absolutely” be able to tell if a caregiver likes them.
She added that parents should lower their expectations for the feedback they receive at the end of the day.
Former educator Kobe said parents worry when they expect too much from daycare centers
“When you’re told (the kids) had a good day, that means they had a good day. There is nothing else to report,” she said.
‘If their behavior is questionable or contrary to their usual behavior, you may get some more comments depending on your response.
“If you want honest feedback from your teachers, don’t be an asshole.”
Kobe then let go of parents who expect their own work to be done by caregivers during the day.
‘Believe it or not, you as a parent are the authority around your child. Your child learns boundaries and how to be a decent human being based on what you do,” she said.
‘The educators simply report their behavior or how their day has been and expect you, as a parent, to go the extra mile and take control of your child’s education.
“If you say, ‘My child wouldn’t do that,’ you are part of the problem and one of the parents who educators don’t want around.
“Also, your teachers won’t be honest with you, they will tell you, ‘They had a good day’ even if they don’t, because you can’t be reasoned with and you literally won” Don’t accept any at all negative feedback about your child.
Kobe said daycare is not babysitting and he blames parents for children’s development (stock image)
“Being a good parent means understanding that there will be good days and bad days at home and at school.”
However, some unhappy parents were quick to hit back in the comments of Kobe’s video.
“Because we pay as much as we do for childcare, we expect feedback and results,” one person said.
“Considering the costs I pay for childcare, it’s not hard to make sure their things are packed and they have clean hands and faces,” another parent agreed.
“Sorry, why are we paying so much if reassurance isn’t okay?” asked a third.
Other childcare workers said they agreed with Kobe’s video.
“Oh my god, the people who say they pay a lot in fees, we get it! But why take this out on the staff? We don’t decide how much you pay in fees,” one woman said.
Some parents made it clear that they weren’t picky, as long as their children got home safely.
‘As long as my child comes home from daycare, I’m happy. Everything else? I don’t care,” said one parent.
‘At the end of the day, if my child is alive and happy, it’s all good. I don’t complain and buy a good Christmas present at the end of the year,” said another.