Shocking update in case of three Chiefs fans found frozen to death outside HIV scientist’s house leaves relatives distraught

The reason for the shocking deaths of three Kansas Chiefs fans found frozen to death outside the home of an HIV scientist may never be known, government officials have admitted.

The bodies of David Harrington, Ricky Johnson and Clayton McGeeney were found in January in the backyard of their friend Jordan Willis’ home in Kansas City, Missouri.

Although toxicology reports released to the victims’ families showed all three had cocaine, THC and fentanyl in their blood, authorities have not yet released a cause of death.

But this week a coroner said FOX 4 that their investigation was completed on January 31, even though they never released a cause or cause of death.

“Our office has determined the cause of death and the cause of death for all three of the deceased,” said Kelsie Gwartney of the Kansas State Department of Forensic Medicine.

The bodies of David Harrington (second from left), Ricky Johnson (right) and Clayton McGeeney (second from right) were found in the backyard of their friend Jordan Willis’s home in Kansas City, Missouri, in January.

“All three cases are on suppression status and there are no public records available for release at this time.”

The relatives told FOX 4 after the breaking news that they feel their questions are being ignored by authorities and that they fear that no charges will ever be filed.

“My nephew was tragically killed along with two of his friends and no one is being held accountable,” said McGeeney’s uncle Jim McGeeney.

The grieving uncle added: ‘What are they going to do if a plane crashes? They’ll take the black box, then they can figure out what happened. But with these three dead, they’re not doing anything. It looks like they’re not doing anything. And if they are, let us know.’

Police have only said that the investigation into the deaths is ongoing, but also added that they are not investigating the case as a homicide.

Officials also said they are awaiting the coroner’s reports, which families now know were completed six months ago.

Willis, an HIV scientist, left his home within days of police knocking on his door to question him about the bodies, fearing reprisals

Two days after the sporting event, the victims’ families said they visited Willis’ home, called him and sent him Facebook messages asking where they were.

Harrington, 37, Ricky Johnson, 38, and Clayton McGeeney, 36, were found dead and frozen in Willis’s backyard in Kansas City, Missouri, on January 9.

After the men’s deaths, Willis went to rehab, a friend said.

Willis, an HIV scientist, left his home days after police knocked on his door to question him about the bodies, fearing reprisals.

Two days after the sports party, the victims’ families said they visited Willis’ home, called him and sent him Facebook messages asking where they were. He did not respond.

Eventually, the fiancée of one of the men broke into the house through the basement and found the first body in the backyard. She then called the police, who arrived to find Willis in his underwear, holding a wine glass.

Willis claimed he didn’t leave his house for two days and slept with noise-canceling headphones that blocked out the sound of his friends’ panicked knocking.

MissouriKansas City Chiefs

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