Does this photo taken in Chicago in 1941 prove that time travel exists?

A photo from Chicago in 1941 has gone viral, with eccentric viewers claiming it proves time travel is a thing.

The black-and-white photo, taken by photographer Edwin Rosskam, shows a group of young children standing in line for a movie at their local cinema.

Conspiracy theorists, however, like the nostalgic idea, with many on Reddit claiming it proves time travel.

Investigators on social media zoomed in on a boy standing on the far right and pointed out what they saw.

A 1941 photo from Chicago has gone viral, with strange viewers making bold claims that it proves time travel exists

In his hands appears to be an object that looks suspiciously like a 21st century iPad.

“So the kids are cute and proud of who they are, BUT what about the first kid in line to hold an Apple iPad in 1941,” one bemused Reddit user said. “Time for The Twilight Zone theme.”

Another astonished commenter added: ‘Does that kid in line have an iPad?’

“At the very front you see a child with what looks like an iPad,” said a third user.

But skeptics were quick to criticize these ridiculous theories.

Some argue that the ‘iPad’ is nothing more than a Bible or a leather notebook.

In his hands appears to be an object that looks suspiciously like a 21st century iPad

But skeptics were quick to dismiss the ridiculous theories, with some claiming the “iPad” is nothing more than a Bible or a leather notebook.

Many claim that since the children were dressed in their “Sunday best,” they likely came from church, which would fit with the Biblical theory.

“He’s probably coming from church to a Sunday afternoon performance… That means the boy is holding a Bible.”

Another user also said: ‘It’s not Apple, whatever that is. The logo is not an apple.’

“That’s a leather journal, or notebook,” a third user noted.

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