Chicago mom, 34, is shot dead in front of her two children just HOURS before a court extended protection order against ex-boyfriend – who is charged with first-degree murder

A Chicago woman was shot to death in front of her two children, just hours before her ex-boyfriend — now charged with murder — was set to receive an extended protective order.

On December 13, 34-year-old Maria Roque was shot multiple times as her 14-year-old son and 8-year-old daughter watched outside her home in the city's Austin neighborhood around 6:20 a.m.

She had just put the couple's daughter in a rental car when she saw a man arriving who was believed to be ex-boyfriend Kenneth Brown (44).

Roque tried to run away before Brown shot her in the shoulder, chest and thumb, according to a police report.

Brown immediately came under suspicion after violating a protective order designed to prevent him from seeing her or the couple's daughter.

On December 13, 34-year-old Maria Roque was shot multiple times as her 14-year-old son and 8-year-old daughter watched outside her home in the city's Austin neighborhood around 6:20 a.m.

Roque had just put the couple's daughter into a rental car when she saw a man believed to be ex-boyfriend Kenneth Brown (pictured), 44, approaching and shouting.

Just a day before Roque's death, a warrant had been issued for Brown's arrest for violating the warrant.

The warrant was initially granted after Roque alleged that Brown grabbed her during a fight, knocked her to the ground and threatened to set her car on fire, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.

Family members added that Brown's violent behavior had escalated since Roque ended things with him weeks earlier.

It was initially granted until November 28 before being extended until December 13, the day Roque was shot.

Tragically, hours after she was killed, a new protective order was issued against Brown through January, which was ultimately useless in protecting Roque.

Brown was arrested on December 29 and charged with first-degree murder for fatally shooting Roque.

They took him into custody after he was identified as the suspect who shot Roque.

Andres Roque, Maria's twin brother, spoke of the horror he felt when he heard the news from family, including her son.

Just a day before Roque's death, a warrant had been issued for Brown's arrest for violating the warrant

The warrant was initially granted after Roque alleged that Brown grabbed her and knocked her to the ground during a struggle and threatened to set her car on fire.

“I heard my cousin crying and saying, 'I tried to save her,'” Andres said WBBM.

He added that the boy even tried to perform life-saving CPR on his mother.

“One in the car, and one when he heard the shot, and saw his own mother on the stairs, trying to breathe.”

“I want to cry,” he added. “I want to throw things, but I can't.”

Mari Duran told it the Sun Times Roque was failed by the system because “a piece of paper doesn't protect anyone.”

a Gofundme has raised nearly $15,000 to cover the costs of Roque's funeral.

Brown was arrested on December 29 and charged with first-degree murder for fatally shooting Roque

Family members added that Brown's violent behavior had escalated since Roque ended things with him for weeks

Andres Roque (pictured right), Maria's twin brother, spoke of the horror he felt upon hearing the news from family, including her son

Brown made his first court appearance on Sunday, where he was ordered by a judge to remain in custody without bail

Alexandra Jundt, who started the fundraiser, said Roque had recently “taken courageous steps to escape a dangerous domestic situation, hoping to move herself and her children to greater safety and peace.”

“Her love as a mother, selflessness, honor and courage will continue to be celebrated,” Jundt added.

Brown made his first court appearance on Sunday, where he was ordered by a judge to remain in custody without bail.

His next scheduled appearance is scheduled for Wednesday.

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