Chelsea fan is reunited with St John Ambulance volunteer who saved his life when he went into cardiac arrest and was clinically dead for 20 minutes at Stamford Bridge match

  • Paul Archer collapsed in November and was rescued by first aider Prince Tandukar

A Chelsea football fan has been reunited with the St John Ambulance youth volunteer who saved his life with CPR after he went into cardiac arrest during a match.

Lifelong supporter Paul Archer, 66, collapsed at Stamford Bridge during a match against Manchester City in November before volunteer first aider Prince Tandukar, 22, arrived on the scene.

Doctors said it was ‘a miracle’ that Mr Archer survived as he was clinically dead for 20 minutes.

The pair smiled and hugged as they were reunited after being invited as VIP guests to Chelsea’s training ground in Cobham, Surrey.

Mr Archer said: ‘Prince, what an appropriate name. I am so grateful to be able to thank this impressive and humble person. You may have broken all my ribs, but I love you for it.”

Paul Archer (right) with Prince Tandukar at Chelsea’s training ground in Cobham, Surrey

Paul Archer (centre) with his sons Nick (left) and Ben (right) at Chelsea’s training ground

Recalling the incident, Mr Tandukar, a third-year medical student at the University of Buckingham, said: ‘I was standing next to the barrier at the press area when I heard panicked shouting and screaming.

“It was a mix of fans and security guards screaming for a medic, and I realized someone was in desperate need of help, so I ran about fifteen rows forward where I could see a security guard waving.”

The medical student found Mr Archer slumped in his chair, taking short, sharp breaths and looking “very flushed”, he said.

He said: ‘I took his pulse and tried to stay calm but it was very chaotic around me. I couldn’t find a pulse, so I tried to get a pulse in his neck, which is usually stronger, but nothing. Then the panting stopped completely and he slumped forward.’

He called to take Mr Archer to a nearby first aid room where he could begin CPR.

Mr. Tandukar said, “It was a high-stress situation with many fans shouting as they tried to assess the situation.

‘I was full of adrenaline and on my first compression I heard a pop and knew I had broken Mr Archer’s ribs. This didn’t scare me because I knew this could happen and that CPR would have to be powerful. It was a sign that I was doing well.

‘I think I was doing CPR for about eight minutes. I just entered the zone.”

He thought of his grandfather who had died of a heart attack less than two weeks earlier and Mr Tandukar believes that “if someone in Nepal had known how to resuscitate him, he could have survived.”

A medical team including London Ambulance Service paramedic Billy Britton, stadium paramedic Charlotte Faulkner and stadium doctor Will Glazebrook also played a role in saving Mr Archer’s life.

The Chelsea Foundation invited Mr Tandukar, Mr Archer and his sons Nick, 41, and Ben, 34, to a community day at the Cobham training ground to watch the training and meet the players.

Mr Archer, a retired businessman, said: ‘I love Chelsea and it was the icing on the cake to thank the people who saved my life on the training ground.

“For Prince to think of his grandpa while he was saving me, while he was coming back – just wow.”

Paul Archer (centre) with his sons Nick (left) and Ben (right)

St John Ambulance Chief Constable Ann Cable said: “St John is extremely proud of Prince for his quick response and putting his first aid skills into practice to save Mr Archer’s life.

‘Our amazing volunteers work hard to keep football fans across the country safe, but we’d like more fans to take the time to learn CPR – a simple skill – that really saves lives.’

Sally Mills from the Chelsea Foundation said: “It was fantastic to welcome Paul and everyone involved to the training pitch as part of our community day.

“It was something very special to see the smiles on their faces at the reunion.”

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