Cheers! Gluten-free beers that don’t leave a bad taste in your mouth

Anyone fancy a gluten-free beer? While it may not sound particularly appealing, for many Brits who need to avoid gluten for their gut health, when they crave a fresh pint, it's pretty much all that's on offer.

Gluten is a protein found in grains such as wheat, barley and rye that can cause a variety of digestive problems.

And while regular beer contains only a fraction of the gluten found in bread, for example, the main ingredient, malted barley, is enough to cause potentially serious problems.

It's no lie that gluten-free beers have always tasted a little, for lack of a better word, weird, without the bitter taste of the real beer.

But no longer, because breweries have developed an enzyme called Brewers Clarex that can be added to break down the gluten.

Sophie Medlin, a dietician and director of the City Dietitians Clinic in London, said: 'It was really good to see all the new gluten-free beers on the market. The fact that there is such a large number means that people also have a choice and can find one they like.”

In a bid to discover the best, The Mail on Sunday has enlisted the help of drinks expert Aidy Smith, presenter of Amazon TV series The Three Drinkers.

1 Peroni Nastro Azzurro gluten-free lager. 5% ABV, £7 for four 330ml bottles,

A traditional lager. Peroni calls it 'a fresh and refreshing beer made with passion and flair'.

Aidy's verdict: 'A somewhat bland lager that is noticeably different from the original. It has the same citrus flavor as the regular Peroni that makes it such a popular beer, but it is lighter and also has a slightly bitter aftertaste.”

Proximity to real beer: 5/10

2 Old Speckled Chicken Gluten Free. 4.8% ABV, £2.25 for one 500ml bottle,

An English beer. Greene King Brewery says: 'Old Speckled Hen is specially crafted to be gluten-free without sacrificing taste.'

Aidy's verdict: 'A decent beer, but different from the original and let down by a slightly bitter aftertaste.'

Proximity to real beer: 6/10

3 Daura Damm gluten-free lager. 5.4% ABV, £1.80 for one 330ml can,

A traditional lager. Daura says: 'Daura Damm is the most awarded gluten-free beer in the world.'

Aidy's verdict: 'A sweet, malty beer that could easily be the real deal. However, despite the awards it has won, it just doesn't seem to have enough flavor. I'm not sure I would buy it myself.'

Proximity to real beer: 7/10

4 Brewdog Punk IPA gluten-free. 5.4% ABV, £6.25 for four 330ml cans,

A hoppy pale ale with aromas of caramel and tropical fruit. Brewdog says: 'This light, golden classic has been subverted with New World hops to create an explosion of flavour.'

Aidy's verdict: 'A malty beer with flavors of licorice and dark chocolate. This is a powerhouse of flavors. You would be shocked to find out that it does not contain gluten. One of the best gluten-free beers I've tasted.'

Proximity to real beer: 8/10

5 Empress Premium British Lager. 4.5% ABV, £2.30 for one 330ml bottle,

A smooth pilsner style beer. Empress says: 'A beautiful sandy shade with a delicate bitterness and a hint of citrus and grass aromas.'

Aidy's verdict: 'This beer was a bit flat and disappointing. It is a collision of sweet, sour and bitter. I could immediately tell that this was no ordinary lager; it lacks texture and is reminiscent of sparkling water with a little flavor added.”

Proximity to real beer: 4/10

6 Stella Artois Gluten Free. 4.6% ABV, £5.55 for four 330ml bottles,

A traditional lager. Stella Artois says: 'Our brewmasters have removed the gluten, delivering the same flavourful taste with a clean finish that everyone can enjoy.'

Aidy's verdict: 'I'm surprised how similar this is to the regular Stella Artois. There are notes of lemon, hops and pine. If you like the original Stella Artois, you'll enjoy this too.'

Proximity to real beer: 7/10

7 Gipsy Hill Bandit Pale Ale. 3.4% ABV, £2.75 for a 440ml can,

A light pale ale. Gipsy Hill says, “It has citrus peel seeds with a soft, piney bitterness.”

Aidy's verdict: 'It's on the lighter side with flavors of lemon zest, peach and apricot. I never thought it was gluten free; it tastes exactly like a pale ale should taste. A safe bet; my only criticism would be that it was a bit boring.'

Proximity to real beer: 7/10

8 Jubel Beer Cut with Peach. 4% ABV, £2.10 for one 330ml can,

A light pilsner with peach flavor. Jubel Beer says: 'This nectar drips with juicy peaches that quench your thirst.'

Aidy's verdict: 'The peach is a very pleasant flavour, even if it is quite artificial. It tastes lighter than standard beers, but that doesn't change the fact that this is a well-produced and tasty drink that serves its purpose.”

Proximity to real beer: 6/10

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