ChatGPT o1 preview can solve riddles faster than me and I kinda hate it

When OpenAI released the much-hyped Strawberry model for ChatGPT this week, it boasted in a series of videos about its prowess with complex logic like software coding, gene sequencing, and quantum physics. I’ll take the company at its word that the models, called o1-preview and o1-mini on ChatGPT, are capable of what they claim. Crunching advanced equations and exploring genomes seems like something they could do without a hitch.

But as a proud member of my high school logic and riddle club, I wanted to know how I was doing in my field, solving and creating puzzles and riddles. And then I thought I should ask the super-logical AI for advice on other, more mundane matters. Could it give good relationship advice, tell me what a strange noise in a car meant, and maybe even fill in plot holes in movies?

(Image credit: Screenshot / Eric Hal Schwartz)

ChatGPT o1

(Image credit: Screenshot Eric Hal Schwartz)

Logic yes humor no