ChatGPT is now rated MORE FUN than humans. Can you spot which of these jokes are made by AI?

The comics of the future might be a little too robotic for our tastes – literally.

And we haven’t even talked about their jokes. A recent study found that people find jokes made by ChatGPT funnier than jokes written by humans.

The study, conducted by the University of Southern California, was blind, meaning participants did not know who wrote the jokes before they gave their answers.

They voted overwhelmingly in favor of the AI ​​jokes, with 75 percent saying they were funnier than the human jokes.

Do you know the difference between AI-generated humor and old-fashioned human humor?

Are robots funnier than humans? (Rob Waugh/Midjourney)

For the test, we asked ChatGPT to come up with five short, funny and original jokes. We then found five human-written jokes that were highly rated by online users on Reddit.

We asked ChatGPT to come up with original ideas and compare them with human humor.

But do YOU ​​know what’s what?

One of the boxes below is generated by AI, tasked with being original, and one is filled with regular jokes written by humans. The answers are at the bottom of this article.

BOX A: Are these jokes from humans or from AI?

1. What do you call a cow without legs?

Minced meat.

2. You’ve heard of Murphy’s Law, have you heard of Cole’s Law?

It’s basically just cabbage and mayonnaise.

3. What is brown and sticky?

A stick.

4: What is red and smells like blue paint?

red paint

5: Two fish swim in a lake and one runs into a wall

It says ‘Dam’

BOX B: Are these jokes from humans or from AI?

1. What do you call a sleeping dinosaur?

A stega-snor-us.

2. Why did the pencil feel confident?

Because it had a point

3. Why did the scarecrow start a podcast?

He wanted to share his field of expertise.

4. How do you catch a squirrel?

Climb a tree and act like a nut

5. Why did Jellybean apply?

It wanted to be a Smartie

We manually checked ChatGPT’s responses to see if the program was “stealing” jokes from others.

In the USC study, ChatGPT was compared to human writers in scenarios where the bot was forced to be original.

If left to its own devices, it tends to repeat jokes told by others, even if told not to.

Study author Drew Gorenz, a doctoral candidate in social psychology at the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, said, “Because ChatGPT itself can’t feel emotions, but it can tell funny jokes better than the average person, these studies show that you don’t have to feel the emotions that come with appreciating a good joke to tell a great one.”


Did you guess correctly?

The first box, box A, contains human-written jokes (many of which are old classics that are often shared online).

The second box, box B, contains ChatGPT’s attempts at original humor.